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It wasn't big news that Lori was sleeping with Shane. The only person that didn't know was Carl, but he was just a little boy. Little boys are pretty oblivious.

Other than that, the camp was relatively quiet. They hadn't had a walker attack in a long time and even when they did, it was just one so it wasn't a big deal.

Katie spent most of her time talking to the other residents of the camp. She wanted to learn about her new neighbors.

She got along with most people.

She didn't get along with Andrea. Katie couldn't figure out why Andrea was so annoying. But, Katie was passive aggressive so she turned on the safety on Andrea's gun. Andrea had no earthly idea how to use a gun so this went on for quite a while.

On the other hand, Katie got along very well with Glenn. He had made it his hobby to try and get her to crack her serious persona and laugh. He turned it into a game for himself.

One morning, the unofficial leader of the group, Shane, suggested that they go on a supply run. However, he did not nominate himself to go.

This was one of the many things that irked Katie about Shane. He refused to sacrifice himself for the good of the group. He expected others to do it for him and she resented him for it.

Everyone was willing to give of themselves to help the group. Everyone but Shane.

Shane also refused to let Lori help on runs. He gave her extra food at mealtimes. But yet Lori did nothing but laundry-- and sleep with him.

Katie resented Lori and hated her with a burning passion.

Katie was asked to go on this run. She was one of their best shots, next to Shane and she knew where to look.

The group went out to the city and found themselves in a department store.

Glenn was outside keeping watch.

Suddenly, they saw Glenn take off running down the street and into an ally.

"Glenn? Glenn?" Katie called frantically over her walkie talkie.

"Someone's in the tank," he called back.

"Come again?" Katie asked.

"There's a man stuck inside the tank. He's alive," Glenn said.

A while later, Glenn and this mystery man came running into the store.

Andrea did what she always does and jumped the gun. Literally.

She pulled out her gun and held it in the face of the man that Glenn rescued.

"Andrea. How dumb are you? If you pull your gun on him now, he will just have another excuse to shoot you later. And also your safety is on so you can't do much anyway," Katie yelled at her.

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