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Katie, Rick, and Carl sat in the cell block together.

"I think it its about time to get Judith. I'm feeling completely fine now," Katie said.

Carl left to grab her from quarantine.

Daryl ran into the cell block.

"Rick where's Carol?" Daryl asked frantically.

Katie got up from beside Rick.

She put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently before slowly and carefully walking out of the cell block.

Rick watched her carefully, making sure that she could support herself and walk on her own.

Rick was going to have to tell Daryl what happened to Carol.

He didn't take it well.

As Katie walked out of the cell block, she saw Herschel and Michonne go out in the pick up truck.

Katie waved to them and smiled.

She then walked towards the old quarantine to see Carl and Judith. They walked out just as Katie got to to the door.

Katie's smile widened.

Carl placed the baby in her arms.

"Hi sweetheart! I've missed you," Katie whispered to the baby.

Judith reached out and touched Katie's nose like she always did.

Katie laughed hysterically.

She had missed this.

She carried Judith back to the cell block.

Daryl stormed out and slammed the door behind him.

Katie walked quicker to make sure that Rick was okay.

He was fine.

He and Carl went out into the fields to check on the crops.

They were ready to harvest.

Katie sat in the cell block, playing with Judith.

She sang a little song and danced with the baby in her arms.

Judith just kept giggling.

The last time that Katie danced was at the CDC.

That was the last time she felt truly safe.

In the days following, Katie grew stronger and stronger.

She finally had her full strength back.

Glenn's recovery was taking a little longer than hers.

While Katie was putting Judith down for a nap, an explosion rocked the prison.

"Dammit!" Katie shouted.

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