“The bowtruckle, perhaps one of the most well-known magical creatures...” I sighed, trying to focus on the words that now filled my head, paying attention to accuracy, depth of detail, and grammar. This would most definitely take up the rest of my night.

After grading the first one, which was not all that terrible, actually, I realized, with a start, that I had promised to talk to Hermione about something that was, according to her, desperately important.

Sticking my head out of my room, I called out into the girls’ dormitory, “Hermione? Are you there?”

“Yes, Professor,” her voice came from over near the windows.

“I can meet with you now, if you’d like,” I said.

“Oh, yes. That’s fine,” she replied hurridly.

I opened my door wider, gesturing for her to come in. Once I heard her feet inside the room, I shut the door, casting the muffliato charm, assuming that she would not want what we were discussing to be overheard.

“So, Hermione, what was it that you wanted to talk about?” I asked, going over to my bed, plopping down on the side of it, getting comfortable, “Oh, and feel free to make yourself comfortable.”

“Thanks,” she came and sat next to me. “Well, clearly you’ve heard what Umbridge is teaching us...or rather, not teaching us...”

“Ugh, honestly, I know it’s not my place to say anything, but it’s absurd. How can she justify that? It makes no sense,” I scowled.

“That’s exactly how we, that is Ron, Harry, and I, feel.”

“Knowing you, Hermione, you didn’t just come here to complain, surely,” I sent her a knowing glance.

Hermione chuckled lightly, “You’re right. I...Ron and I...we want Harry to lead a Defense Against the Dark Arts club, of sorts.”

I was silent for a few moments, letting the idea sink in. Thinking about it, it seemed brilliant. This way, students who had the motivation could learn how to really defend themselves. And of course, Harry would be the perfect teacher. I grinned at her. “That’s absolutely brilliant.”

“And well, we were wondering if you’d, well...you know, be willing to teach a few more advanced spells. I know that in your work as an investigative reporter, you’ve found yourself in a few bad situations, and I figured that you’ve got to have more experience,” she started, almost shyly.

“I’d be honored, but this is dangerous. You must know that. With Umbridge in charge like she is, this is risky at best. She has ways of knowing what goes on around Hogwarts. This needs to be concealed carefully. We need a way to make sure that the members keep quiet about this. Do you have any members yet,” I queried, realizing that I was getting ahead of myself.

“Besides Ron and I, no. And before you ask, Harry doesn’t quite know either,” she trailed off hesitantly.

“What do you mean he ‘doesn’t quite know’?” I hoped that she would not just spring this responsibility on him. He had enough to worry about already, poor guy.

“Well, Ron and I are planning on telling him tomorrow before the meeting with people who are interested,” she said.

I supposed that I could not argue with that. I did not want to seem like I was trying to take control from her and Ron, but at the same time, I was worried about how well this would work out.

“Where are you planning on meeting?” I asked.

“The Hog’s Head in Hogsmeade,” she said.

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