Chapter 25

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"I'm gay"

I replayed those words over and over in my head.

Katie is gay. She likes girls.

"Please Clara don't be mad! I've wanted to tell you for so long but I was struggling with it myself and I just couldn't" she rattled on and on.

"Katie.. Katie listen to me" I said making her look at me.

"I don't care if you're gay, you're still you. If you like girls, that's totally okay! I mean, love is love right? I can't wait to meet your girlfriend one day when you get one. Oh my god, we could have a double date!" I smiled caressing her arm trying to comfort her slightly.

She smiled and pulled me in a hug.

"Thank you" she whispered. "I was so scared" she whispered still holding onto me.

"You didn't need to. You still mean as much to me as you did ten minutes ago" I said with a slight smile.

"Thank you" she smiles while a tear rolls down her cheek. I wipe it away and pull her into a hug again.

I opened my mouth to say something but we got interrupted by the front door opening.

"Clara? Are you home?" I heard Diego ask. "Living room!" I screamed.

I heard him walk towards the living room and turned to Katie. She was wiping her tears away and I gave her a slight squeeze on her arm signaling that everything was okay.

"Oh hey Katie" Diego said giving Katie a little wave. Katie smiled at him, I knew she wasn't ready to talk yet because of the emotional state she was in right now.

Diego gave me a confused look but I just brushed it off. I won't tell him anything until Katie is ready to tell him by herself.

I'm actually really glad she told me this. She is and will be the same Katie. Just not with a boy but does that make a difference? Don't think so.

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