Chapter 22

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"You really don't see it do you?" Katie asked stopping right in front of me.

"See what?" I asked confused. "Tell me Katie, what's going on in that head of yours?"

"You like him, he likes you. It's been clearly for.. I don't know, long enough" she said.

I blinked a couple of times and coughed. "Hahhahaahh for a second I thought you were being serious! You should become an actress one day Kat!" I smiled.

She glared at me with a cold look.

"What?" I asked feeling a little uncomfortable with her gaze.

"I'm being serious, dead serious. He likes you, it's clear. You like him, for sure"

"Never would I like my boss" I said walking further.

Well, never say never.

We finally, well I don't know if I actually should be happy, came to 'our' house.

"Now, get your ass in there and seduce that man!" Katie smirked already turning around.

"Ey! I'm not doing it now! I don't even know what to do!" I argued.

"Don't know to do what?" Someone asked from behind.

Oh damnit.

I turned around and saw Diego looking at me with a puzzled face.

"E-Ehm nothing, we... I... Ehm we were just talking... Yeah, talking" I said nearly slapping my own forehead.

What the heck Clara, get yourself together!

"You see, Katie here-"

"Oh no! You're not going to involve me in this Clara! Adíos!" Katie protested then gave me a smile and ran away.

Remind me that I've to speak to her later on.


Hi! Sorry for being so inactive! I'm actually writing on a couple of one-shots so they probably would be published soon! I found one that I wrote 8 months ago lol. Anyways, thank y'all for still reading my books, I really appreciate that! :)

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