Chapter 20

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"So, what do I've to do now?" I asked Katie once I told her the whole story what happened with Diego these past weeks.

"Well, there are two options. But I think the last one is the best"

"C'mon tell me!" I said excited. I don't even know why I'm excited about this.

"Option one: you can pack your bags, take your passport and move to Australia" she said in a serious tone.

"And option two?" I asked.

"Two words, Clara: Seduce. Him."

"WHAT? Are you freaking crazy?!" I practically shouted at her.

"No I'm not. It think it's a good idea though. Just, seduce him. Who wouldn't fall for your body? Your absolutely stunning!" She said.

"Well, I'm not gonna seduce him. How do I even have to do that?" I asked.

"We will just get you a very sexy dress and you just need to... Well, be sexy" she smirked.

"Oh no! I'm not going to the mall with you!" I said backing away.

"I know how you are, Katie! You will just scream and say 'that's good to seduce him!' And then everyone will be looking at me" I said shaking my head.

"Aw please! I won't do that! I promise" she grinned.

"Ugh okay then! But if you say any word out loud I'm going" I said.

"Yes yes! Now, c'mon! We need a man to seduce! Well, you need a man to seduce" she smirked.

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