Chapter 21

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"Damnit Katie, shut your mouth for a second will you?" I groaned.

We were walking to my home, well Diego's and mine.

And Katie was nearly screaming the whole time how he will fall for me in one second.

I bet the whole country now knows about this.

"Sorry! I'm just so excited I don't know why! You know Clara?" She said in a serious tone for the first time.

"What's it buttercup" I smiled. "I ship it" she smiles.

"What? What do you ship? What even means 'ship'?" I asked confused.

"Shipping means that you like two people to be together. Like Simon and Cheryl! You know that rude judge Simon Cowell at the X factor UK? And Cheryl? That woman who always sits next to him?"

"Yes, I do know them" I said still a little confused where she's going with this.

"Well, they're always around each other. And u ship them! Like omg they're just made for each other! He's always grumpy but when he's with Cheryl, he's always so sweet. I ship them so bad" she blurted.

"Okay, and where do you want to go with this all?" I asked.

"I mean that I ship you and Diego. He's always rude, even with you but he always has that sparkle in his eyes whenever he's with you" she said with a small smile.

"W-what?" I coughed nearly choking. "That is totally not true! What the heck are you even on about? 'Sparkle in his eyes?' Oh c'mon"

CHIMON FOR LIFE! (Chimon= Cheryl + Simon) I SHIP THEM SO FREAKING MUCH THEYRE MA LIFE LIKE OMG. But i wanna give a warning for if you wanna search them up: DONT GO TOO FAR, you can't get back once you're into that ship. I mean it, first I only thought they were cute but now my whole room is full with Chimon pictures and I bought all Cheryl's albums... Help me

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