Chapter 7

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Okay, I made a list what I can do to annoy him.

The list:

1: scream in the middle of the night and when he comes, say there's nothing.

2: smash water on his face when he sleeps.

3: talk non-stop about things no one cares about.

4: be super hyper.

5: ask him questions the whole time.

That were the ones 'till now. I'm working on it.

Well, it's already night now so... You know what that means?

"AAAHHH!" I screamed on the top of my lungs. I heard a bang and someone running.

Then my door bursts open.

"Clara?! What's wrong?" He asked holding his feet.

"Nothing" I said with a innocent smile. He looked confused then a little angry.

"You just screamed because...."

"Oh I just felt like to scream" I said with a smile.

"Agh! I can't believe you! I freaking bumped against the wall and now my feet it hurting! And I'm awake now!" He said angry.

"Well, but I'm sorry than, not my fault" I said with a little smirk.

"You... Ugh!" He turned around and bumped against the door, then fell on the ground.

He just sat there. I bursted out into laughter falling on my bed.

"O-Oh my god!" I laughed. He stood up giving me 'the' look.


"Stop laughing and go to sleep" he said annoyed. I nodded still laughing.

He walked away and I just sat in my bed repeating everything that just happened.

Well, a part of my plan worked.

I'm so smart.

Good job Clara!

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