Chapter 24: The Tribe

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"YOU WHAT?!" I exclaimed, forgetting about the small sleeping Ashley.

"Relax! I was just kidding!" He said, reaching behind himself, to then show a laughing Nina in his hand.

"Ah, you shoulda seen your face!" Wren said, holding his fingertip close to Nina.

"I told you we'd get a loud reaction!" She said, high-oneing Wrens fingertip I guess.

"Yeah, too loud for a certain TINY PERSON OVER HERE!" I heard Ashley shout angrily.

Suddenly Wren and Nina were blank faced. "Sorry ash, this wasn't meant to involve you." Wren said, looking at Nina.

"I think you should give someone else an apology too." She said, slight venom in her voice.

"Sorry Kyle." Nina and wren said simultaneously.

"Great now let's get to sleep,  We've got a big day tomorrow."

"You're telling me." Ashley said, a little sass in her voice.

//sleeping. *A sleepless night later*\\


Kyle and wren packed up all of their stuff, we wouldn't be coming back here. We would be going to meet the tribe, yet Kyle and the gang never explained why...
I guess for the fun of an adventure...

I sat in Wrens shirt pocket, since Kyle ran out of shirts with shirt pockets on them Nina sat in the other one. And on the way to the tribes  location, I listened to the conversations Wren, Kyle, and our guide had in the car.

"So, why come to Brazil to meet the tribe? Especially one of the tribes that practice ritual?"

"To find information..." Kyle said, hesitation in his voice.

"About what? Don't worry you can tell me, I won't tell."

"He means research." Wren corrected, tapping the pocket I was seated in.

Did he mean me? Did they bring Nina and I here do do research on us?

"What kind of research?"

"Ah, just a little research." Kyle said quickly.

"Ok... we are almost there though."

//*several minutes later*\\

"Ok we are here."

I felt the movement of Wren opening a car door, to get out and grab the baggage. Before closing the door with a loud slam!

"Sorry." He murmured, " If that was too loud."

A low rumble of thunder rolled across the sky, signaling that there was to be some weather later.

Then there was walking, and lots of it. I just heard the guide say: "Follow me." And then there were no more words.

Then after a while they got into another vehicle. A Geep I suppose, that's what it sounded like.

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