Chapter 3: Speechless

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The inside of this house is exactly like the outside; it looks like it was built for Giants. That's all I can describe this place, it's just...giant.

From where I can see, the hardwood floor matches the table-top dining room to my right. And the counter is stretched along the wall, then after a couple of... Feet? It reaches out in a 90 degree angle to my left. But back over to the right, behind the dining table is a sliding glass door. With a pool behind it, and then it's just lawn beyond that.

...I'm beginning to think I'm not in Kansas anymore.

Of course I don't live there, it's- just an expression... I don't live in Kansas.

Now, my mind is too small to wrap itself Around the logic behind

It's like it's made for a giant, but Giants aren't real, so what would the purpose be for this house? Is this a realistic prank? Is it special effects? Did I stumble upon a stage set for a movie? Well...a very expensive movie set then, I doubt anyone would spend this much money for a low-quality movie to have such high-quality effects.

I shivered, it was getting cold. The air vent I'm standing next to would be the problem. I should probably move away then.

I look around, struggling to take in just how big this place is. As I shuffle to the dining table, I see more of the inside of the house. There's a dark hallway branching off of the kitchen, that's where the carpet starts, then I think there's stairs going down into a basement or boiler room.

//*A fair amount of footsteps later*\\

When I reached the leg of the table, I stroked the wood-like material. It felt real enough, who would go to all this time and trouble just to make a realistic 56-foot tall dining table?

I turned my head to the sound of jingling keys, coming from the front door. I was confused as to why the sound was coming from there, when suddenly the enormous door swung inward.

...and a giant stepped in.

Half of me was expecting this, while half of me was denying that this being could ever exist.

I stood there, speechless as he slipped of his shoes-that-breathe brand, and took off his sunglasses. Revealing sky blue irises that complimented his royal blue T-shirt, with pockets in the front and buttons that could open. He looked around my age, nineteen. He wore tan shorts that had too many pockets on them, and his brown hair was spiked to the side. Giving off a "Cool guy" look, but the thing I noticed the most was the short-socks on his feet, as he stepped towards the table.

His figure gradually got larger, and the detail in his skin became more visible as he pulled out a chair and sat down, Completely oblivious to my existence. He opened a laptop and began to type, probably checking emails or something.

But I focused on his leg, the detail in the skin was absolutely marvelous. But it seemed too good to be fake, even though I was counting on him being a special effect. I still stepped towards the giant towering figure, and I hesitantly reached out to the skin in front of me. Touching it, I mentally gasped. He was real! It-it felt like actual skin! Like, not waxy or paper-mâché, He was real!

I staggered back in fear, if he was real. Then I really am...tiny. I flinched as he stood up, closing his laptop and holding it under his arm. I pressed myself against the table leg, suddenly everything was scary. This guy- this giant, could easily kill me. All it would take is one step, one hit. With little  effort, I could be killed.

I cowered behind the wooden leg as he walked down the hallway, my heart rate beating faster and stronger. Louder and more noticeable, anxiety grew in my gut. I suddenly became hot
as I realized my survival chances were shrunk, little to none. How would I find food? What about my hygiene? when could I go home? Why did this happen to me? Am I going to die? What am I going to do now?! OMG IM HAVING A PANICK ATTACK!

I should just breathe, just focus on breathing. In, out, in, out, slower, deeper breathes now...ok I think I'm good. Let's just focus on the now, the giant is gone. And I still have a chance of not being exterminated, for now. Let's just find food.

Shady chapter, cloudy day. But eh I promised Giants and ya got Giants. So everyone's happy? Yes? Who wants to read more of the story? You? Well ok just scroll down its not that hard, ha!

But jokes aside I really appreciate you guys for reading my story to this far. Let me know what you guys need, if it's from spelling to grammar, I can change that just let me know and I'll do it. After all, I do this for both of us.  Ok  bye, I'm-a go(ing)!

Unusually smallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora