Chapter 8: Figuring it out

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Ah. I couldn't describe how much I enjoyed the hug, I'm not sure if he enjoyed the hug, but I sure did.


I love Giants.

Well at least this one.

He let me go, (or practically pried me off) and looked at me generously. I looked back at him, noticing that he had a cute smile.

"Thanks Ash... C-can I call you Ash?" He asked, leaning away.

"Yeah... I guess..." I said.

"Heh, like Pokémon." He said.

"Yea... Barely."I said, looking out the door. The hallway was a tan. Brown color, like a branch.

"Heh, ya know I'm always a worrying Wesley when it comes to health and comfort. So...lets get you a bed, a shower, and some food huh?" He said.

"That would sound nice." I said, straightening my posture.

"Alright, uh hey I'm gonna stand up now. J-just a warning." He said,  moving his thumb closer to me. He slowly stood up, and I decided not to be rude, and just stand there. I delicately held myself against his thumb, hearing a "Hm." Of satisfaction, I smiled to myself.

"What do you need first?" He asked,, shower... Uh...a bed?" He finished, listing the options with his fingers.

"Um...a bed?" I hesitantly said.

"Ok," he said, heading into another room. "I'm not sure what you can sleep on... Um what do you prefer...?"

I thought a moment, a pillow would be nice, it would be close to his head... But he could bother me with snoring or something...deadly.(rolling over and such.) A towel is a waste of towels... And would be too rough... Then I remembered his shirt... How great it was to be against it.

"Um...this'll sound weird but... How about a shirt...? " I said, looking away.

He raised an eyebrow, then shrugged. "Ok that's not weird, I like shirts too."

Yeah but what about the fact I want to sleep on it?

"Oh, I realized I need two hands for you mind resting on my shoulder?" He asked, "I know that might sound weird but it's the best option I guess...?"

I knew he was throwing the "weird" quote back at me. I smirked at his cleverness.

"Uh- yeah sure. " I said.

He smiled and brought his hand closer to his face, where I stepped off onto the place where the collarbone connects with the shoulder blade, I have no clue what it's called. But I quickly clung to his shirt collar, as he adjusted to my presence near his chin.

He reached into an open drawer, grabbing a new shirt, this one was plaid. A red and blue t-shirt, he laid it down neatly by his bed on a deserted dresser.

"You wanna try it or do you want to get yourself cleaned up?" He asked, turning his head. But barely being able to see me out of the corner of his eye.

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