Chapter 7: REALLY getting used to it

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I felt my throat tighten, like it does when I'm about to cry.

This guy was trying to survive, and he has better chances then I do...yet we have the same problems.

I felt a hot tear trickle down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away, why was I crying? I had no reason to...

I heard quiet sobbing coming from Kyle. 'Ah, great. Crying...'

He had run his fingers through his hair, ruining the spiked effect. And making it look flat.

I wanted so bad to comfort him, but at my size...I couldn't even reach him. Let alone get his attention! He was crying for heavens sake. How am I supposed to help?

Prove to him he wasn't crazy.

I cautiously stepped out from behind the soap dispenser. And awkwardly walked to the edge, I could hear his dying sobs the entire way there.

I took a deep breath and I got real high and I shouted at the top of my lungs:

"What's goin' on?!"

He looked up suddenly, "Huh?"

I shied away from his widened eyes expression. It was intimidating, but I stood strong as he quickly got up. He scrubbed his face with a nearby towel, before looking again.

He shook his head and looked to the side, "I-I'm sorry, I'm such a mess...I've had some pent up feelings and uh...apparently I needed the right kick to break down the dam to the waterworks."

I sat down, "I-it's fine..."-I swallowed the lump in my throat- "I u-understand..."

"I'm sorry uh...ahm... I'm sorry I forgot your name again." He said, looking at me with a warm smile, it was as if the episode before had never happened.

"Heh, Ashley..." I said, looking down into my lap.

Wow, how'd he do that? It was like he forgot all about the tears a few seconds ago... Maybe he's rebuilding the hold on his feelings...boys and whatnot...maybe I can help a little more...(Punny joke is Punny)

"Right, Ashley... Thanks."

"D-do..." I stuttered, looking up at him, "Do you...need a hug...perhaps?" I asked, blushing madly.

He raised his eyebrows, "How's that supposed to work?" He asked, Kneeling down to my eye level.

"I don't know... Improvise?" I said, preparing to be squeezed or something, by his hand.

Hey I wanted to help this guy.

Instead, he gently scooped me up. Making me squeak in surprise, he looked at me with both of his hands supporting me. His face taking up my entire line of vision. His charming blue irises took in my every detail, he looked kinda cuter with his hair drooping and his bangs around his eyes. Ah, what am I saying?

I was expecting him to cover my lower body with his other hand, in a hand-hug kinda way.

But no.

He leaned back and held me against his chest.

I could feel the body heat radiating off of his clothes, and into my soul. At least, that's what it feels like to be hugged by a giant.
He pressed me gently against himself. I could still breathe, but that wasn't the only good thing. His cologne was great. It would have been hard to smell from a distance. But it was Amazing, up close.
I noticed another thing, his heartbeat. It was beating at a constant rate, like a healthy heart does. But as the "hug" went on, it began to increase. Even I was forgetting about the sad moment before. But I could barely feel my heartbeat, it was overshadowed by his. The only thing I noticed about my heartbeat, was that it was increasing too. And I knew why.

I was falling for him.

I love you guys! Thank. You. So. Much! A hundred and FOURTY reads!!! Ah! I gave you guys so much and you returned it with more love! Ahh! I'm gonna celebrate with homegrown carrots!
*eats the carrots*

Well that was enjoyable! Just like my story right?

... Idk

But thanks so much you guys!!!

As always, together. Let's-a go!

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