Chapter 6: Getting used to it

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I know I'm in his house... But where am I? On earth? What is this place called?

"N-no... I mean...where am I?" I said, realizing I was leaning into his hand.

"Your in Nashville," he said, squinting his eyes a little, "Tennessee..."

Ok so, for sure I'm not in Kansas.

"I am?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. How...?

"Yes... Is there a mmmiisss...?"

"... Ashley... I-I'm- my name is Ashley." I said, sitting down cross-legged.

"I'm Kyle." He said kindly, offering his hand in a handshake.

I hesitantly accepted his offer. Examining his expression, I reached for his middle finger and slowly shook it.

The most awkward handshake in history.

He looked at his hand, frowning a little.

"Huh, random paper cut." He said, bringing his hand closer to his face.

"Ooh...looks like it needs care, I...don't want this to get infected. Even though paper cuts rarely get infected, I don't want to take any chances." He said, quickly turning away.

But before he did, I quickly grabbed one of his fingers on his other hand.
(Yes, it was next to her the whole time! *scoff* it...didn't suddenly all.)

He stopped, turning his head to look at me. A look of surprise was clearly shown, "D-did you...want to come with...?"

I felt my face get hot, I could tell I blushed. I turned my head towards the glass doors, "Ye-sure..."

I know he tried to hide it, but I could still hear an audible: "Aww..." Coming from him.

He reached for me, causing me to exhale quickly. Holy mother! he was reaching for me, I saw his giant digits get closer and closer, I remembered how powerful he was with just one finger alone. I had to close my eyes, I was Absolutely terrified again.

But I felt no touch. Confused, I slowly opened my eyes. He had his hand opened flat in front of me, nearly touching my legs. He had a concerned look, one brow was raised. Then I realized how ridiculous I must look.

I quickly fixed myself. Looking away, as if not seeing him, made him go away.

His expression changed into a small, cute smile. "Sorry," he said as I hesitantly climbed on, feeling the strange ridges in his skin along with the leathery texture," I gotta start thinking about what I look like from a bugs perspective." He finished.


A BUGS perspective?!

Did he think of me as a bug? That question never was really answered. Did he think he could just put me in a jar?! Pin me to a frame on a wall?! Lord help me!

I was going to jump off and try to escape my captor. But it was too late, I was already too far from the edge. I whimpered as I was carried away from my safe guard. The place I had been sleeping-practically living! Ever since I got here.

I timidly looked back at...Kyle...(oi, feels so weird to say his name.) his shirt shifted as his shoulders moved with every step, both supporting the stress his body put on them. Holding him up and keeping the balance even.

He glanced down at me, giving a supportive look. But also making me feel small, and reminded me just how powerful he is compared to me. His stomach, leading up to his chest. And reached out to his shoulders. All towered over me, he held me at waist length. Carefully walking to the hallway and turning into one of the rooms on the left, he flicked on the lights. A dimmed light softly illuminated the room, it was a forest green-themed bathroom. Towels neatly scattered around the shelves hidden in the room. The shower curtain was white with silver linings here and there, scattered throughout the cloth. But he stood in front of the counter. Starring at the large mirror, he was observing the fact that I was significantly smaller than him. At least, that's what I noticed.

"Hey...I'm uh...can I set'cha down on the counter here?" He asked, pointing to a section of the marble countertop.

"...y-yes..." I said. Maybe this was my chance to hide behind something until he gives up and thinks I was all a dream!

" then." He said, laying his hand on the marble.

I stepped off, sensing the platform. Behind me "float away", I looked at the mirror to see his upper half vanish below the counter as he kneeled down to get something from the cupboards under the sink.

As soon as I saw the last spiked hair on his head disappear below, I made a mad dash for the soap dispenser. Doing one of those cool action movie summersaults, I dive rolled behind it. Grunting as my body suddenly halted, I breathed heavily. I had rolled into the dispenser and I was now upside down, I softly laughed at myself and my clumsiness. But I was interrupted by a noise that sounded like a plastic bottle of some kind, being set down.

"H- what? Hey- where are you?"

I quickly scrambled to my feet, pressing myself against the dispenser like I wanted to be apart of it.

There was a pause, then a sigh.

" Oh...I're tricking me into thinking you trust me...and then you run away..." He said with a sorrowful tone.

Suddenly, I felt bad for this guy.

"I thought we made trusted me...but I guess not..." He sighed again.

I pondered about Kyle, I mean. He never did anything to hurt me...and he wasn't aggressive. Maybe he's a simple guy trying to find out a way to put his mind into this "tiny person" business. Kinda like I'm trying to figure out the whole "giant people" situation... Maybe...maybe we're both people trying to find their way in this world... This confusing, twisted place called earth...

Huh...deep thoughts...

"I know you're still here-and I don't, I really don't want to sound like a creep here but... Y-you can come to me anytime you want to talk about something, o-or that matter..."

I peeked around the corner. He had his cut all fixed up with a bandage, and he was awkwardly rubbing his neck with his hand...kinda like an anime...heh.

He leaned against the wall, "I'm sorry if I offended you in any way, scared you...or-or even ha-harmed you..." He said, his voice becoming shaky.

His eyes searched the counter for me, "I... I... Am I even talking to anyone?"
"W-were you even real?"  He asked, beginning to slide to the floor, his hands in his lap, "Heh... Why am I crying? Oh I know why. It's because I'm weak, corrupted, I'm going crazy aren't I?" He now sat on the floor. His knees to his chest, " Say something damnit... I'm sorry."

Sorry for the language there. It adds effect and an extra edge to the blade of the feels ninja.  But hey. Lemme know if ya got something to say! I can fix it! So let's-a go!

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