Chapter 2 :Where am I?

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I jumped awake, startled by the loud bird outside. But then... Looking around... I am outside, in broad daylight. What?

I sluggishly stood up. Observing my surroundings even more, I saw I was lying on a big rock...on a hill. Woah! Those trees are big! Either I'm in the rainforest, or in a redwood tree forest... I've heard that redwood trees are huge.

But how did I get here? Did that rain turn out to be a storm? Did that storm fling me across the planet? I don't see any debris lying around. I'm just going to guess it was a tornado that kept me flying around the planet for five left brain is telling me it's not possible, but I'm going to go with that theory for now.

I sighed, my only survival tactic was to walk in one direction. Then eventually I'll reach society, I guess I'll walk... West.

////*many barefoot steps later*\\\\

Huh, now that I think about it...this field's thicker than any other grasslands I've ever waded through. And, those saplings are shaped a little lower then I'm comfortable with... It's almost like...
...I'm not on earth...

Or the trees are growing to whatever the land is giving them; evolution and whatnot. Foreign lands, you know. Like those weird trees that grow in...the...

I stepped out from the bush-like grove, finally getting a clear view of the land. And what I found was...interesting...

Whoah... a BIG house...Its like an actual real-life house but it's HUGE...

My mind tried to grasp onto the logic behind the giant structure; Maybe it's a mansion... Or one of those big houses, like that one show called: Tiny houses, maybe they made a new show called: Giant houses... Yeah, that would seem most likely. M-maybe I should go ask someone where I am... I mean, this is the nearest house. So why not go ask them? They're just regular people living in an unusually large home....right?

I wearily stepped out from the giant forest behind me. Towards the giant house, everything you would find on a normal household was on this gargantuan building. It actually seemed like it was built by Giants... But I know that Giants don't exist...right?

Wow, that sentence had a lot of giant in it.

I went around the front, finding an obviously giant porch... Ok, how are these people supposed to get onto they're house if it's nearly impossible to get up the stairs? It didn't help my confusion that there was no door nor doorbell anywhere within reach. I just hope I wasn't breaking and entering into their house by sliding under the door. But then again, that's the very definition of breaking and entering.

Please don't take me to jail.

Alright that's chapter two!  A great start I guess. And if you're eager to see Giants, never fear my friends! They will come in the next chapter. I promise, alright time to start writing the third chapter...(although I doubt anyone is reading this book...) But anyways! let's-a go!

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