Chapter 15: Misunderstanding

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I stir awake, instantly remembering where I was. Although I had trouble falling asleep, I still slept well. I had chosen to sleep in the guest bedroom next to Wren's room.

I glance at the table where Ashley and... That cat girl are supposed to be... But they're not there.

"Ash?" I quietly whisper, looking at the clock, I see its nine in the morning.

"Ashley?" I call quietly, hearing my voice as hoarse and deep.

I get out of the foreign bed, and stumble out into the hallway.  Catching myself on the hallway wall, I carefully walk down to the kitchen, watching every step, so I don't step on anyone.

When I reach the living room I hear Wren.

He was lying on the couch, watching the news. "Good morning sleeping beauty." He said, quietly joking.

I half suspected that he killed the small women, but that's just me jumping to conclusions.

"Yeah, good morning," I started, carefully stepping towards him, "...uh hey do you know where..." I trailed, seeing two small people curled up peacefully on his chest. "Oh, I see them. Never mind."

He glanced down at his chest, "Oh yeah. When I checked on them they seemed a little cold without a heat source. So I decided they could hang out with me while they wake up." He explained.

"Hm, ok." I said, still a little skeptical. "Hey, have you eaten yet? Why don't I make breakfast?" I asked, pointing to the kitchen.

"Sure! You can make anything you want, I'm not picky." He agreed.

"Alright! Thanks! I'll get right on that." I said, starting on all the ingredients needed.

//*time later*\\


I feel something warm, under me.
As I open my eyes, halfway. I see a sea of fabric stretch beyond my gaze, then the fabrics turned into jeans. Then socked feet.

Was I looking at an abdomen? 
Or whatever it's called...?

I turned over in confusion, looking around. My eyes set upon two rounded golden-brown eyes, surrounded by a face.

A giant face.

And he smiled, highlighting his white teeth.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, springing up in confusion. Wren's face was too close for comfort, and I swear I saw a glint of hunger in his eye.

"Oh shoot!" Wren exclaimed, quickly placing his hand over me, pressing me into the fabrics.

"What? What's the problem Wren?" I heard Kyle ask from the kitchen.

"Ashley's just freakin out, she's fine." He called nonchalantly.

I squirmed in his grip, I didn't understand why he had suddenly trapped me.

"Calm down." He demanded, "You are way too strong for a tiny person." He admitted.

I squirmed for another moment before my entire world jerked up.

"OW!" Wren shouted, sitting up.

I had tumbled into his lap, upside down. But I could still manage to see that Nina was in his hand.

"Wadja do that for?!" He asked, clearly annoyed.

"I saw you threatening her so I bit you in defense for my friend." Nina spat.

"Wait, who threatened Ashley?" Kyle asked, abandoning his creation of food. And coming over to the couch.

"This giant: amante del gatito! Was trying, to squish her!" Nina defended angrily.

"He did what?!" Kyle roared.

"That is not true! This Podrido-" Wren tried to counter, but was interrupted by Kyle.

I watched as the towering Giants above me quarreled, waving their arms in frustration as Wren tried to explain that he didn't mean me any harm.

So I just laid there, in Wren's lap. Listening to my friends argue, as I was oblivious to everyone. The blood rushing to my head making me tired, it got harder to breathe.

And I passed out.


Better, longer chapters will come next week. Sorry. Luv y'all!

Let's-a go!


You know this don't you?

Ok well, I'll leave you to take care of this.

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