Chapter 24: Fireside Thoughts

Start from the beginning

"Well? Do you think so?" Lina cuts into my train of thought. "Cute or not?"

"Yeah, I guess so," I reply vaguely, wondering how everyone else was really holding up right now.

While some of us were trained for this kind of situation, the most of us were royals that are used to having a huge amount of faeries at our backs. Usually an entire army of them. While many of us had been extensively trained in physical and defensive training, this was more emotional stress than all or almost all of us were used to.

"So enthusiastic, I see." She sighs. "Oh well, I'll talk to you tomorrow when you've had a little more sleep." She snorts. "This is the most exercise you've done this whole trip, isn't it?"

"Probably." My answer was still vague, as I continued to just think.

I debated whether or not we should have taken more guards. It would have made many things easier and almost certainly would have made many of us feel much safer and more secure in this kind of environment and situation. Yes, an army of guards with an even number from all the kingdoms.


"Yes?" She replied sleepily as she settled down after finishing her food.

"Should we go back?"

"Why would anyone do that now?" She sounds almost outraged. "We're this far along, and other than being attacked by a water-dragon-thingy, we've survived majorly unscathed. I would say that we should continue on this luck and not go back to water-land to get ourselves nearly killed again. We are also not going back to Erde to meet that family of crazies again. I say continue on. Aires is on the other side of the continent too . . . So that's out."

"But what about back home?"

She sits up and looks at me in shock. "You want to go home? You want to give up?"

"No, no, no. Nothing like that." I assure her and she lays back down.

"Oh, okay. Why did you want to go back, then?"

"I wanted to go back home and just collect some guards. Maybe even get everyone else to go back and get some too."

Lina looks up at the now-darkened sky, the fire throwing strange shadows across her face, and blows out a big breath. "You know, that idea is so terrible that I don't even know where to start."

"Why?" I ask, shocked. "I think that idea is absolutely fine. It would provide everyone with a sense of more security."

"It might, on some level, but we're all pretty strong. I think we can defend ourselves pretty well."

"Fine, maybe they won't actually do much in actively protecting us too much better, but the feeling of security is still there. Plus, they could help us and make us more comfortable generally. Then Lucas wouldn't be doing so much."

"Aw, are you worried about him?"

"Yes, of course. Between him and Kaylie, we're going to start losing members because they're overworking themselves. The thing is, most of us don't notice because we get taken care of by our staff around the clock."

"Okay, fine. Some of us need to lay back a little on the work and others need to start stepping it up. But do you really think getting guards is going to solve this problem? They're part of our military. If we wanted someone who would cook, clean, and organise our stuff for us, we would need maids and cooks. I don't think they would be of any help, and would probably just drag us down. Not to mention, having an army would require organisation and a much larger amount of resources." She dramatically gasped in a breath. "Does that make you see a little reason?"

"Okay fine." I gave in. "You have a point. But what about a few guards from all the kingdoms? Not enough for an army, but enough to provide night-watchers and a little more general security. My parents would be happy to give us some guards, I'm sure. I have no idea what we are about to get into."

"Exactly. You have no idea. It could be absolutely nothing. Nada. Then what? We just look even stupider. Plus, there's no point in sending everyone off to grab some guards for a mission that we don't even know will happen yet. Yes, Lamina and Rowan would quite happily give us an entire army, but think about everyone else. I'm pretty sure Alicia and doesn't want to ever return, Isabella and Corrin would be going to the complete opposite end of the continent, and Kaylie would return alone. Does that really sound like an amazing plan?"

"Fine, you win. I'll drop this idea." I admit utter defeat.

I have no idea where I was actually going with that idea, but I finally grasped the stupidity of it. It really made so sense in the first place. It wasn't thought through and clearly had many flaws that I should have seen but ignored instead. I would never openly admit that, though.

Having won the argument, Lina hummed contentedly and turned on her side to finally truly drift off. I lay down too. I should probably sleep before trying to think up any more disastrous ideas. It may help prevent them from even forming. I start to drift off quite quickly, proving just how tired I really was.

I awoke sometime later to discover Lucas picking me up from where I lay, close to the dying fire. Then gentle rocking when he started to walk slowly, helped me quickly fall asleep again. I yawned widely as sleep consumed me.

"Next time, Princess, try to fall asleep in your tent." He says as he gently lowers me onto a soft surface. "That way, I don't have to set up your tent and disrupt you by carrying it over to you."

How late is it? He must be so tired. Was the last thought that crossed my mind before I truly dropped off, comforted by Lucas's presence. 


Omg, I'm so sorry I've been away for so long. Probably more than a month. I am now going to try to post more but probably won't manage more than one a week because I have a bunch of projects due and after that, exams. 

Thanks to anyone who stuck around until now, I know it's been a long time. I hope you enjoy this chapter.


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