Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry Evan. I really am." Sydney sighed and messed with her necklace. 

"No, it's okay. I-I understand, sorta." I honestly didn't know what she meant when she said, "You've been acting different." 

"Are you sure? I just want to give you space, and we can go our separate ways." She sadly smiled, and rubbed my arm. 

"Goodbye Syd."

"Goodbye Ev." Then there she was, out the door. 


"HOLY GOD!- I mean what is that?" Delirious corrected himself after screaming. 

"It's your mom!" Ohm chuckled. 

"Ey! My mama's bootiful! Like me!" He giggled, and a smile was automatically on my face. Even after a break up, these guys did amazing making my world a better place. I continued walking through the scary map, right behind Delirious and Ohm. Terrorizer was close behind me. I smiled as Delirious cheered and, "H2O Delirious has found a tape!" went across my screen. I chuckled when he cheered. 

We were all running, and all of us were on our own. I keep running through the pool area as I hear Delirious scream. The noise scares me, but then his laughing brings me down. I chuckle again as I find Ohm and Terrorizer again. While searching we find Delirious, but as a ghost. 

After all the screaming and nearly crying we found all the tapes and Sark was pissed. Even with all the shits and giggles, we were all tired. 

"See ya guys." I said before getting off. I turned off all my stuff and plugged my controller in. I walk up to my room and open the door with a small creek, and plop right onto my bed. I grab a the white cord, and plug in my phone. I scroll through twitter a bit, right before I hear a loud, "meow". I sigh as Binx hops onto the bed. I pet him as his purring machine kicks on. I chuckle. I named him after the black cat on Hocus Pocus, which he is a really dark cat, a very black cat. So dark the only thing you can see right now is his green eyes. His purring was stopped when I removed my hand to look at a text message. He walks over and started rubbing against my side. I unlock my phone to see a message from Delirious. Oh! I usually don't get texts from him. 

"Hey!" I read the text, and quickly reply, "Hey, what's up?

"Are you feeling okay? I mean you seemed a little quiet."

"Oh, uh, Syd and I broke up." I watched the three dots at the bottom of the screen. They'd disappear and reappear over and over. 

"Man, that sucks.

"Yeah... it does.

"Well, I hope you feel better. Sleep tight! :D

I slightly smile and yawn, putting my phone down and rubbing against Binx. I keep smiling as I shut my eyes. He said good night. Why do I keep repeating that though? I shake my head and slowly start falling asleep. Honestly I couldn't. I kept thinking. How was I acting different? Sydney said it, and Delirious just texted it. I groan and throw my feet over the edge of the bed; making Binx hiss. I glare at him, even though he really can't see it. I walk into my bathroom and switch on the light; it kind of burning my eyes. I look at myself in the mirror. My jet black hair, sticking up as always. My brown eyes, always dark. My chest slightly peeking through my gray t-shirt. My arms, tan as always, well sometimes different shades. I shake my head and just stare at myself. I wonder what people thought of me when I did a face reveal. I wonder how all of us will feel when Ohm and Delirious finally do one. I wonder what Delirious looks like. Just, trying to match his voice with a face. 

I eventually grow tired of thinking and looking at myself. I turn off the bathroom light and make my way back to my bed. 

"Ah, you're my favorite hello and hardest goodbye." I giggle into the white pillow as Binx curled up against me. I grab my phone one last time and scroll through twitter. Trying to read myself to sleep. One thing catches my eye, after passing all the photos of fan art and stuff. It's this ad, a man in a maroon scarf, and his dirty blond hair, flying in the breeze. I stare at the man and then totally stop breathing. My heart stops and I realize what I'm doing. I scroll down more and find a few more ads for Victoria's Secret, but none of the women catch my eye. I start a little panic attack and shut off my phone. That man's beautiful eyes still in my mind. Why the hell did I look at that photo for a while? And it was a fucking ad! I sigh and rub my face. I pull the blanket over the rest of my body and finally fall asleep beside a purring cat. 

I had a long ass day...

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