Authors Note

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This book as been edited. So everything is up to date!
November 14, 2016.

This book is the beginning of the relationship between Levi and Reader.

Here is you will learn how Reader and Levi came to be before Ackerman.

I hope you all aware that this book is the "prequel" to the book Ackerman. When you finish this book and want to continue reading about Levi and Reader's relationship, the main book is called Ackerman, which is in my works. So go check it out when finished with this. It's over a 100 chapters in and still going.

It's not required for you to read this book first but if you want to be less confused when reading Ackerman than by all means keep reading.

This book is in the category 'mature' because of the themes presented in this book. You have been warned! I don't want no comments complaining about this book being inappropriate, you had your warning.

Enjoy reading So It Is Always. :)


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