Chapter 27

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The following morning I opened my eyes, my vision was a little scratchy but slowly began to come clear the more I blinked. I stretched my arms and let out a big sigh, I relaxed myself and smacked my lips. I grabbed the blankets and cuddled them close to my body as I laid there, in the empty room.
After a few minutes of laying there I decided to get up for the day. I sat up and I felt a sudden pain in my lower stomach, like a sore feeling. I let out a groan of pain and laid back down. I haven't felt that pain ever in my life. It was something I never experienced.
I noticed my arms were bare, not covered in my usual (f/c) long sleeve shirt. Then noticed I was naked. I started to blush so hard.

That's right... Last night.
Last night was amazing. I never felt so much pleasure in my life, my body was screaming with joy. Levi and I making love for the first time was truly amazing. Sharing the moment with someone I loved dearly was the best feeling ever.

This is probably why I'm sore. After all I've been told you'd get sore when you have your first time.

I sat back up and groaned again, but I ignored the pain. I moved the blankets away from me and got up from the bed. I searched for my clothes, scanning the ground but hey were no where. My clothes were not on the ground but surprising folded in a pile on the edge of the bed. I smiled. No one out of all of us does it but Levi. I took a step and the sudden soreness pain came back. Now it was in my lower region between my legs. I took a deep breath and walked to my clothes and began putting them on. It wasn't an easy process, it hurt here and there when I moved my legs a different position. It nearly took my 10 minutes to get my clothes on.
I then walked in the awkward strut to the door. I opened it, and I saw Isabel talking to Farlan and Levi. With the door opening they all stared at me.

"Morning sleepy head." Farlan said.

"Morning (Y/n)." Isabel said.

"Good morning." I replied. I held onto the door hoping it'd help me balance and help with walking.

"Why you standing there awkwardly? Come over here." Isabel said.

I blinked and took a few steps. It hurt I'll tell you that. I straighten my back, trying my best to walk normal.

I then sat in the empty spot right next to Levi. He notice I was walking weirdly and looked at me with concern.

"You okay?" He asked

I nodded and smiled at him. "So how'd it go yesterday?"

"It went smoothly." Isabel said.

"It went great. I mean the MP didn't come after us like usual, which is a good sign." Farlan added.

I smiled.

When Isabel and Farlan were looking at each other and visiting about the mission Levi and I were talking in private with each other.

"You sure your okay?" He said.

I nodded. "I'm fine Levi. I'm a bit sore but over all I'm fine."

He looked at me then I quickly gave him a small peck on the lips. "I had a wonderful night as well." I smiled.

Then I saw it, a slight sexy smirk coming from the crook of his mouth.

I lightly bit my bottom lip and turned away.

Today we all put on our gear and headed to our favorite hide out spot. Isabel was holding the small bird she's been caring for, for so long. It was time we let it fly.

Once we made it to the hole to the outside world. We all took a seat on the ground or near by rocks to watch as the small bird was ready to fly. For awhile now Isabel had been taking care of this small bird. She cared and fed it everyday, she called it 'Peanut.' Because it shape reminded her of one. And as much as she wanted to keep it, it was best to let it free.

Isabel looked down to it, and smiled. "It's about time I let you go, and fly." She looked up to the sun light shining through and took deep breath. She then threw her hands up into the air. The bird opened its wings and flew up to the opening. Isabel smiled in amazement. She's cared and treated the little bird for so long she's grown to it, like a mother with her child. Now she watches as it flies on its own again.

I put my hand on her shoulder, then she looked back to me.

"Good job, Isabel." I smiled.

She smiled back and looked up to the opening.

I followed her gaze and watched the bird as it flew out of sight into the light.

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