Chapter 30

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The Next Day

Today was a rather slow and quiet day. I was in the kitchen cleaning, humming to myself to help keep myself busy. Levi, Farlan and Isabel went out for a walk to check out the cities merchants. So I thought I'd stay home and clean up a bit while they're out. Considering theres nothing really to clean since we clean every 3 days. But I wanted to be nice and do it myself, after all I did like seeing the smiles on my friends faces.

I feel blessed to know I've been given another chance to have another family again. I mean, Farlan is like a big brother to me, I can tell him anything if I needed help and he'd always be there. He the friendly smile that made me grow closer to everyone.
Isabel is a sister I never had, she's funny in so many ways, so understanding, I love her. She's someone I've always thought was so adventurous, she's my partner in crime. I could tell her anything and she'd be the one to listen when I needed a lending ear. And Levi... Words can't explain how lucky I am to have a guy like him. He's my everything now. He showed me love and affection when my family was taken from me. He taught me how to defend for myself, to fight. Also, he's was my first of everything, my first kiss, my first love. He's been there for me when I needed someone, he filled that hole in my heart. Even though he's not that kind of guy to show emotion, I can tell when I make him feel loved. Everytime I look at him, I always think, how lucky I am to have him. How lucky I am to have all of them in my life.

I heard the door open, I popped my head to see who it was. It was just Levi, Farlan and Isabel. I smiled at them as they came walking in. I began walking over to them.

"Hey guys." I said.

Farlan opened the closet door and grabbed his belts to his gear. After he moved out of the way as Isabel did the same thing.

I looked that them all confused. What are they doing?

Isabel threw Levi's belt into the air to him and he caught it then began putting them on.

"Guys?" I questioned.

Once Levi was done he came over to me. He handed me a big roll of money, my eyes went wide and I looked to him in shock.

"W-where did you get this?"

"Doesn't matter right now. (Y/n) I want you to make your way to surface and don't come back till I come and get you." He said.


I was looking at Levi in a worried manner, as he held my shoulder, looking into my eyes. "(Y/n) you have to leave now." He said.

I continued to look at him confuse. Why was he tying to get me to leave? What's happening? "Levi what are you taking about?" I asked.

"I just... want you to be safe."

I looked at him puzzled. "Safe? Levi what's going on?"

"I can explain later, right now I need you to go, now."

I looked to both Isabel and Farlan as they watched the both of us.

"Guys?" I said quietly.

They both looked away from me, like it was hard for them to say anything:


"Levi's right, you need to go." He said.

I turned to Isabel in hoping she'd give me answer. "Isabel, what's going on?"

"Y/n, it's better if we don't tell you." Isabel said.

"You guys are scaring, why are you trying to make me leave?"

So It Is Always (Levi X Reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ