Chapter 11

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**TRIGGER WARNING: Attempted Rape**

I decided if I know there is something that could possibly trigger something to some of my readers, I'm gonna put a warning. Just to to give a helping hand. I know I have a few readers with kind of a rough past or something that they don't wanna remember.

I love all of you guys and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable in anyway, but just know my book, I have put on a mature level and it has that notification before you read this book. So please, please, please know this book is not a kids book, it's for young adults and older. I don't care how old you are, just know this, if you can handle mature content then by all means go head and keep reading. But just know what your reading what's going to coming up in chapters.

I love you guys, and let's get onto the story.

The Next Day

"Hey guys?" I said.

Both Levi and Farlan looked to me as I opened the front door. "I'm gonna go out for a walk, okay?"

They both looked at each other before nodding in reply.

I smiled at them and exited the house. I closed the door and began walking down the steps. I haven't been by myself in awhile and I really need to go for a walk. I've been feeling... What was it called again? I've been having, that, cabin fever? Yeah that's what it's called. It's not that I don't like hanging around Farlan and Levi, it's just I wanna be alone for once. This whole time I was always around them and usually we all stuck together or it would be just Levi and I or Farlan and I. So this little walk could be really good for me.

I was walking down an alleyway towards some people as they visited one another. It was nice to see some people outside their houses, getting up and walking around. It's usually dead like the night time. No one would be out a lot they'd just be in their homes.

I walked past the people and made my way towards another alleyway. I noticed a guy standing in the shadows, he was smoking while standing there against the building. I had an ugly feeling corse through me so I turned around and walked back to the people I just walked past.

"Okay, creepy guy standing there, not going that way." I said to myself.

I probably made a big circle around the neighborhood, so I finally thought it was time to go back. As I was walking I couldn't help but think about that dream I had last night. I started smiling to myself in the thought.

Levi and I were talking as normal and he began walking closer to me. I remember every step he took made my tummy feel fuzzy, it was making nervous but yet, I felt a little excited. It wasn't long till we both kissed. I felt my bottom lip to where I was kissed in my dream. I then was thinking, what would it be like to actually kiss Levi? I know he's not type to be messed around with but still, what it be like? I like him and such it but it just tassels in my mind.

I was walking up the steps, about ready to open the door when suddenly someone grabbed me from behind, and pulled me back off the ground. I was about to scream but whoever held me put a rag in my mouth to keep me from screaming. I was struggling and my legs were kicking in the air.

Oh no!!

What am I suppose to do when this happeneds?!

Levi never thought me what to do when I get grabbed like this. That's when I remembered, they're inside still. I reached my foot out to get kick the door but I was a distance away from it already that I couldn't. My heart pounded heavily in my chest in fear. I felt tears coming from my eyes at my defeat.

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