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That was the last time I ever saw them. When I came to the surface I was greeted by this man, I didn't know him what's so ever but he knew me. He said I am now a resident of the walls and that I no longer had to live in the underground. As much as I wanted to be happy, to be happy I was finally a resident of the wall, and to live above ground... I couldn't feel happy.

Not without knowing they were okay.

Days have past, I waited hoping for the return of my friends. In the mean time I was taken in by an older lady who took care of me, made sure I was fed and clothed. She was very sweet to take of me while I waited.

I waited and waited for the longest time, but still nothing, not even a hint of their return. Which reminds me... I forgot something valuable to me that I regret not grabbing before I left. I left my neckless down in the Underground city. It broke my heart knowing I left something that was given to me by my love. I hate that I forgotten it, it was the only thing I wanted more then anything, to help me give hope they'd come back.

I sat by the window everyday, looking outside. Everytime I saw a shadow my heart jolt hoping I'd see the familiar jet black hair. But disappointment would hit me when I see it's just a random civilian.

Days past, then weeks, then months, still nothing.

Every night I'd cry to myself. I'd cry for them, but most all I'd cry for him. I really missed him, and just wished he was by side again. I want to feel his touch, his lips, and hear his voice say my name again. I felt like my heart was breaking the longer I waited.

I wanted to hear Isabel's laugh.

I wanted to tease Farlan again.

I was broken and tormented for the long period of waiting.

Years past and still I remained at that window waiting. I watched myself getting older, noticing I change a lot and I hoped I still be good enough for Levi when he'd come back.

The lady always wondered why I sat by the window in the same spot everyday. I always told her its my favorite spot and I like to look outside because I lived in the underground my whole life. But in reality I was waiting.

I won't give up... He'll come, he promised he would...

1 year.

2 years.

3 years.

4 years.

5 years.

I raised myself from a 14 year old girl to a 20 year old adult. I've waited by the window everyday for 5 years.

I felt bitter emptiness... I felt broken. The situation they told me was something I couldn't get involved with and I knew it wasn't life taking. It was something different. What was it that made them want me to leave?

I looked out the window once more before forcing myself to turn away from it.

5 years.

And nthing.

I got up from my spot.

He promised.

"Y/n?" Selva asked.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Are you still thinking joining the military?"

That's right.

A few weeks ago I've gotten the word that they'll be starting the Cadet camp again. That's where you're trained to be come part of the Military. You can become a MP, Scout or a Garrison regiment solider.

I'd had interest in it but I wanted to wait. And now... I think I'm wasting time if I keep waiting. It's been 5 years, maybe it time...

I nodded.

"Well, they'll be starting here in a week or so. I just want to let you know. But you know you don't have to go. I don't mind taking care of you still." She smiled.

"It's okay. I wanna do this to make myself a better person."

She nodded. "Okay."

I turned and looked out the window.

You said you'd keep your promise. You never broken one, but this time you did. I hope where ever you are... You remember what you said to me 5 years ago.

I'm done waiting, I'm tired of my constant crying. If your not gonna keep your promise then... I won't keep mine. I said I'd always be yours...

But will I now?

I looked down.

To think that...

So It Is Always we'd be together.

So It Is Always (Levi X Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz