The Day After Halloween

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Happy Day-After-Halloween!

Abandoned candy littered the streets. Halloween decorations just didn't seem spirited anymore. And, everyone was sleeping in after a night of partying. Yep, it was the morning after Halloween.

You felt like a beached whale as you tried to lift yourself out of bed that morning. You had stayed up until 1 AM watching cheesy scary movies with your friends while all of the more popular kids wasted their night by getting drunk. Still, it sucked that the holiday was on a Monday.

You parked in your normal school parking lot and looked around at the other students. Everyone looked like zombies, and you knew that the teachers wouldn't even try teaching your dead brains.

You walked into first block and smiled sleepily at your lab partner. Isaac smiled back as you sat down,

"So, you look good this morning! I'm guessing you didn't party too hard last night?"

You groaned, "I stayed up late watching movies. What did you do? Scare the crap out of little kids?"

He laughed, "You should have seen their reactions. Scott and I were laughing so hard...until that one parent jumped towards us and beat Scott with her purse. I'm just happy that he didn't get too mad."

You snorted, "Yeah, you wouldn't want all of the kids seeing HIS real features. You know, they might actually think that it was a costume."

Isaac playfully punched your arm, "Yeah, but it would be bad if people actually found out it was really him. He would be exiled more than Frankenstein."

You had been thankful and honored when Isaac shared his secret with you. It made the random absences and the anger management a lot easier to understand. Since he trusted you, it created a whole new bond.

You were lost in your thoughts, but you came back to reality when you felt Isaac tense beside you. You turned to ask him what was up, but the loud speaker squeaked on:


Everyone screamed as a shrill interference pierced their ears, and they slapped their hands over them to try to block it out. Then, all of a sudden, everything was quiet. Another rougher male voice spoke:

"Hello, everyone. As you all know, we didn't make an appearance last night when most of you were expecting us. However, no one thought about today. We have a few rules we'd like to share with you.

"We are taking over the school. A clown has been posted outside all of the occupied classrooms, and more roam the halls. If you do not cooperate, we will kill you. If you try to fight back, we will kill you. If you try to escape, we will kill you. However, if you manage to solve the following riddle and make it to the front desk alive, you will live.

"Don't try to be heroes. An inhibitor has been sent out, and none of your electronics will work. If you do not solve the riddle by noon, we will break in and open fire. Happy hunting, my companions. And to our captives, may the odds never be in your favor. The riddle goes as follows:"

You tore a piece of paper out of your binder and kept your pencil poised as you waited.

"What brings humor, yet causes pain?
Has multiple faces, but some are the same?
What has a bestower that is normally mean?
Has a negative impact on self esteem?"

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