The Dark Side of the Moon (Part 2)

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Hey guys, sorry, I've been feeling a bit depressed lately. I hope writing will do the trick to cheer me up!!

Oh my gosh this is so long.

Btw, my fellow musical theater geeks may appreciate my sly reference:)

You stared at Isaac with your jaw dropped. Then, you laughed. This was stupid. He couldn't see you.

"Wow, I almost got my hopes up for a second there. I guess he's daydreaming about me. That's sweet."

Isaac tilted his head, "No, (Y/N), I can see you. You're standing by the door of my hospital room, and I'm 99.9% sure that I'm not daydreaming."

You shook your head, "Am I daydreaming? Am I hallucinating? Can the dead even do that? It would make the other side a LOT more interesting."

Isaac raised his eyebrows, "Um, well, I don't think you're hallucinating. But, no matter how weird it is, it's really nice to see you again, (Y/N). What's been happening?"

You moved closer to where Isaac still laid in the tub mixed with ice, water, and slight traces of blood,

"Well, being dead isn't really fun. I mean, we get to watch everything, but nobody else can see or feel us. By the way, how exactly can you see me?"

Isaac shrugged, "I don't know. It just kind of happened when I was shocked back to life. Suddenly, you were there."

You crossed your arms as you looked away in thought, "I guess it's because you died. Or, maybe it's because you were on the brink of death for so long while you were being transported here. Somehow, it let you peel away the veil that shields the living from the dead."

Isaac shrugged again, but winced as he did so, "It doesn't matter to me. As long as I can see you, I'm good."

You smiled as the two nurses burst through the door and rushed back into the room. Isaac smirked,

"See, I still have all of the women coming for me."

You rolled your eyes, but you couldn't help the small smile that appeared on your face. The nurses turned to each other with bewildered looks. Debby gave him a sideways glance,

"Who is he talking to?"

Carla snorted and pulled out a pair of wicked looking metal tongs,

"Who cares? The pain is probably making him hallucinate."

Debby shrugged and pushed down on Isaac's shoulder with one hand while hooking up a new bag to the IV with the other. Isaac's eyes glowed golden as panic shot through his system,

"What are you doing to me?"

Debby smiled down at him,

"It's alright, sir. We're giving you a sedative so that we can take the bullets out. You won't feel a thing."

Isaac looked over to you with panic still written all over his face, so you walked over and kneeled beside the tub,

"It's alright, babe. I'm here. Now that you can see me, you'll know that I've never left you in a time of trouble."

He reached his arm out to grab your hand, but you sighed sadly as it passed right through,

"I'm still dead, Isaac. That can't be changed."

Isaac frowned,

"I know. I just like knowing you're here. Even if you are a ghost."


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