Lazy Days

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I am so tired and worn out from being sick, but you know, when I got an idea...I got an idea.

(Y/F/B)-Your favorite breakfast
Look at this cute little curly-headed muffin.

You were asleep in your fluffy and extremely comfy bed. You alarm had gone off a few hours ago, but you could truly care less. Who needed school on a Monday, anyways?

You were snuggled underneath the blankets as your eyes open. No alarm, no annoying parent, and no sibling had disturbed your slumber. It was just Mother Nature...quite literally. There was a storm outside and a loud crack of thunder had woken you up.

You weren't too upset, though. You loved being home alone with the weather raging outside. It made you thankful that you weren't in it like all of your friends were.

Shaking your head to clear it if such thoughts, you hopped out of bed and padded barefoot downstairs. Your stomach was growling louder than your brother, Scott, snored. That was saying a lot.

You made (Y/F/B) and ate it all within 30 minutes. Suddenly, right after you put your dishes into the sink, you heard a knock on your front door.

You froze in place and looked down at your tiny PJ shorts and the large shirt that you stole from your boyfriend. You definitely didn't want anyone seeing you in that. Nevertheless, you grabbed a trusty baseball bat and made your way to the door.

When you peeked out the window, no one was there. Your adrenaline spiked majorly as you slowly opened the door to look outside. All of a sudden, a large figure came barreling through the door, throwing it open and sending you stumbling away.

Without getting a good look at the intruder, you swung your bat around and hit them as hard as you could in the back of the head. It was enough of a blow to knock out any other person, but you realized that you were dealing with a werewolf. A very attractive one, at that.

Isaac grabbed the back of his neck and turned around to face you, "Geez, (Y/N)!! We need to get you on the softball team, because I almost blacked out!! God, I knew I would scare you, but I didn't know you'd be armed."

He winced as you threw the bat across the living room and yelled,


He shrugged and hopped onto the counter,

"I don't know. I just wanted to see why you skipped school today. My shirt looks nice on you; you should wear that in public."

You rolled your eyes and waved your hand at him,

"Off the counter, boy. I don't want everything to smell like wet dog."

It was true: Isaac was soaked from having to walk just from his car to your house. The monsoon outside was becoming stronger and stronger by the minute, and you were actually happy that you had company in case the power went out.

He looked down, "Oh, God, I forgot that I was drenched. You still have some of my clothes here, right?"

You raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, what did you expect me to do? Burn them in a sacrifice ceremony? Totally not my style."

Isaac let his clear laugh ring throughout the kitchen, and you couldn't help breaking character to crack a smile. He always laughed at your corny jokes, and it made you love him more and more every day. He jumped off the counter and scurried up the stairs to your room while you tackled the kitchen with a mop and some rags.

When he bounded back down the stairs, he wore a pair of his sweatpants and a fitted shirt that you had nabbed from him long ago. You were just putting the rags in the washer when he snaked his arms around your waist and pulled you close. He set his chin on top of your head,

"So, babe, what are we going to do today? I'd rather not become a wet dog or a barbecued wolf by stepping outside. There's plenty to do indoors, right?"

You hummed in agreement and motioned for him to follow you. He was reluctant to let go of your waist, but you grabbed his hand anyway and dragged him into the living room. He sat down on the couch as you bend over and rummaged through the doors under the TV.

You finally found what you were looking for, and Isaac groaned when you held it up,

"(Y/N), how many times are we going to do this?"

You laughed and popped the disc into the DVD player,

"You haven't read the books, mister. So, I'm going to critique the movie for you to try to convince ya. The movie is awful."

He threw up his arms in exasperation, "It is NOT that bad! So what, the son of Poseidon goes to a special camp, meets friends, and goes on an adventure? They did a good job of portraying it."

You clicked play on the remote and cannon-balled onto the couch beside him. He sighed and pulled you in so that you were forming a pretty decent cuddle pile. After watching for a few minutes, you leaned over and whispered,

"The book was better. Percy Jackson was sassier, and that Minotaur? He's supposed to be wearing undies."

And that's pretty much how the rest of the movie went. You made sarcastic comments to the screen and compared it all to the book. Isaac pretended to act uninterested, but he didn't want to let you know how much he loved this. He loved your little movie comments, and he would sometimes just close his eyes and listen to your voice.

After the credits rolled, you turned off the TV,

"So, what do you want to do n-"

You trailed off as you viewed the sleeping werewolf beside you. A soft smile crossed your features as you kissed his forehead and leaned against the couch,

"That seems like a good idea to me, too."

Imagine Scott's surprise when he came home to find two sleeping bodies on the couch, one of them being a pack member. He didn't know about your relationship, but it was obviously no surprise now. He shook his head and walked to his room,

"I should have known not to let her near the pack members. Somebody was bound to fall in love."

Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me. I ain't the sharpest tool in the she-ed.

Love you all, don't forget to like and comment!!

Isaac Lahey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now