Inside Joke (Part 2)

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You had finished crying as the logical part of your brain kicked in. You sucked in a deep breath as you remembered the phone in your back pocket. You wiggled around until it fell out, and you shimmied your foot under it. Ever so slowly, you lifted your foot to where your hands were, and you grabbed it.

You typed in Isaac's name, since he had given you his number the day after the locker incident. You hit the call button, but your hands shook from the loss of blood to your fingertips due to the tight chains.

The iPhone slipped out of your hand and fell to the floor, which was completely out of your reach. Thankfully, when it slipped, your finger hit speaker. You squeezed your eyes shut and anxiously listened to the shrill ringing.

Right when you were about to lose hope, Isaac's voice spoke before the last ring, "Hello? (Y/N)? I don't have much time to talk, so what's up?"

You couldn't help it, so you sobbed in relief, "Thank god, Isaac, it's an emergency. My brothers are Ethan and Aiden. They plan on fighting you for some reason, but I need to warn you. They're werewolves!! I know it sounds weird and crazy, but I just want-"

"(Y/N), I know that they're werewolves. I'm one, too. We're part of two different packs, and I have to fight them. I promise that I"ll be careful. Stay inside, and stay safe, ok? I have to go."

You yelled, "WAIT!! Wait, they chained me to the banister in my house!! I can't move, and I can't feel my hands! I've tried to look for ways to get the chains off, but it's almost impossible-"

There was a thump and then static on the other end of the line. You screamed in aggravation. Isaac hadn't heard of your predicament, and you knew this by the obvious slam of a door from his end of the phone. You took a deep, shaky breath and glared at the chains, as if you could simply burn them off with your glare.

To your complete surprise, the chains started to shudder. Your eyes widened as a new part of your brain seemed to deepen in understanding of a delicious strength that had been hidden from your knowledge. You had no idea what it was, but it felt good. You tapped into that part of your brain even more, and you focused the energy on your chains.

The chains lifted from the ground and began to loosen as your mind picked through the knots to untangle the metal mess. When they fell to the ground, you stood up and rubbed your wrists. Then, you paused in absolute shock of what you had just done.

You had thought that you were human. You had thought that you weren't special. All of a sudden, you had a rare power that you hadn't heard of anyone having, except for in movies. The name of your power popped up in your mind as you remembered seeing it in X-Men.


You nearly jumped out of your skin as the front door busted open and a figure came barreling through with a war cry...just to run headlong into a wall. The boy quickly recovered from his injury and sprung to his feet while yelling, "I'M HERE, (Y/N), AND I HAVE A BLOWTORCH!!!"

You started laughing as the boy stared at you in confusion, "A blowtorch, Stiles? Were you planning on burning my hands off as well? Or maybe you wanted to set the house on fire?"

Stiles tilted his head, "I thought you were tied to the banister?" You nodded, "I was, but I discovered that some powers manifest during times of distress. I'm telekinetic."

Stiles sighed and lowered his newly acquired weapon, "Scott JUST began to trust me with this, and now I can't even use it, dangit!! It was an upgrade from the metal bat."

You smiled, "Do you still have your bat?" Stiles scoffed, "What do you think I am, dumb?" He pulled the metal bat from where he had crudely strapped it to his back,
"I'm learning how to be the only human that dabbles with the supernatural in this town."

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