Chapter 1: From now and forever

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I couldn't believe my eyes, she was there... Standing in front of me.

I lifted my head and gazed at the sky, she smiled.

"The reason you're here, could it be... You're dying?" She asked I looked at her dumbfounded.

"Huh?" I uttered, she stared at the tree behind her, it was full of fading colors. I sat on the piano seat. Am I dying?

"You're such an idiot..." She commented I smiled. I never thought I'd hear those words again. I was going to reveal my feelings to her, but conversing with her like this is already fine. 

"Yeah I really am," I said. I shut my eyes smiling, opening them was a big mistake. I was now,  in reality, *cough* I sat down. Dust was dancing around the piano, the room was dead quiet and all I could hear is the faint sound of her voice. 

I heard a knocking noise from downstairs, I dragged myself to the door lazily. Yawning the door open, to my surprise, it was Aiza Nagi.

"Aiza san?" I asked she hopped into my house humming and singing. 

"Sensei did you forget we had a lesson today?" She replied, oh my... I had forgotten about the lesson she requested.

"Of course, I didn't," I lied she gave me a simple smile. I led her to my untidy, messy room, the clothes were all over the place, the bed was untidy and the books were unorganized. 

"You forgot I was coming didn't you," She uttered, I sighed and nodded. Nagi clicked her fingers and started folding my bed.

"Nag- Aiza san, don't hassle yourself I'll do it quickly," I announced, but she continued folding, how embarrassing, I carried my pile of clothes and dumped it on the basket. As I organized the pieces, Nagi started wiping the piano, a memory of Miyazono appeared suddenly, her crying face as she wiped the piano. I finished organizing and changed fairly quickly, Nagi was sitting on the stool waiting for my instruction.

"Open your book up to page 14, we're going to do Hanon," I exclaimed. Our lesson proceeded lesson well and it was time for Nagi to leave. Before she had shut the door she commented about today.

"Sensei, the way you play has changed for some reason," 

"I must be tired, I didn't get enough sleep last night," I replied, she nodded her head and left.

It was 12 noon, I couldn't wait until night. I sat on the piano, it was just me and her once again. Just liked what mom did to me leaving me alone with the instrument that had cause great pain these few years. My fingers lay on the keys, my fingers started to dance as I played Saint-Saëns, Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso. I could feel Miyazono's presence beside me...

How could I forget that glorious day? That very day where the crowd applauded to us, that day where we performed together for the first time. I was reliving that experience alone. But as I played this song, I felt something was wrong, my playing wasn't like before, but I ignored it. I was here alone in this very room, from now and forever in this lonely room.


a/n: Sorry for the short chapter :) I hope you enjoyed it though~

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