⊱Chapter 6 - part one 🗡Mage Trials⊰

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Shaking my head to clear my thoughts I enter the Mage's courtyard where my master is waiting upon my arrival. I simply content myself with the notion of visiting Father and Olivianna after lessons. "Sorry Balthazar. I swear I didn't mean to be late today." The words jumble out in a rush as I step further into the courtyard.

Balthazar waves off my apology, "Nonsense. You are right on time. Now dispose of all of your weapons. Today is a test of how much you have learned and comprehended within our time together." Nodding I set aside my book of spells, beginning to take off all of the weapons on my person. By the time I finished there was a considerable pile of various weapons. "Where do you put all of this?" Balthazar asked raising his eyebrows as he eyeballed my person. "Never mind, I do not want to know. Getting back to business you will be fighting three of my best mage students. Try to defeat all of them, I will be judging based on your performance to see if you pass or fail."

I nod in understanding to my master. As I nod my acceptance three mages appeared in the center of the courtyard. Two men and one woman. Shockingly one of the men happened to be Keith. "Oh and Avi, don't mortally injure them." My mouth twitches into grin in response to Balthazar's request. Cracking my knuckles I slowly advance forward.

In order to pass I'll have to pull out every trick I have learned. To pass the first step is to figure out what element each of them controls. Keith is obviously fire since his hands start to glow brightly with slight smoke wafting out. The woman, Earth, confirmed as grass began to spring up around her feet as though caressing her legs.

Ice blue eyes captured my attention as my gaze met the third mage's. My heart beat painfully in my chest as its speed doubled, shortening my breath the long our stares stayed connected. I was sure I had a blood red blush staining my cheeks from the intensity of his icy gaze.

Tearing my eyes away from his I attempt to clear my head from these distracting thoughts. Getting back on track I dared a wary glance towards the captivating man from underneath my eyelashes. I had no clue to what he controlled. Probably wind or water.

Bringing up my hands I wait for one of them to start attacking me first. Expanding my senses as my father had taught me, I feel the earth shifting in an almost creeping motion. Moving too slow a vine snaked itself around my ankle, flipping me through the air. Landing hard on my back I groan aloud.

As I climb to my feet I feel the radiating heat of a fireball streaking toward me. My hands flutter out quickly, making a shield to protect myself using Spirit. Not a second later an earsplitting crack sounded as the fireball collided with the thick shield.

My shield remained intact much to Keith's surprise as his mouth hung open. Though the force behind the attack had pushed me back, my thighs starting to ache from the effort to keep standing after that blow. Refocusing I switch to hold the shield with one hand as I used the other to slice off the bonds of Earth from my feet using the element Air.

Once I was free I levitated myself in the air by compacting air currents underneath my boots. Dropping the shield opting to create two duel swords of the saber classification. Compacting the air currents just enough to form sleek weapons. A slight shimmering the only indication I had created a weapon at all.

Descending lower until I am hovering a few inches above the ground, making it more difficult for the female mage to capture my legs, adopting a defensive pose as best as I could while slightly wobbling from the shifting air currents beneath my boots.

As expected Keith charged toward me with fire engulfing his hands. Predicting he would come at me from the left, the tick in his leg muscles twitched indicating the way he would advance. The fire in his hands transforming into a long-sword upon his approach. Moving my arms and body into position I wait until Keith is almost upon me, at the last minute I bring my own blades up clash against his sword.

My blades forming an X as I stop his long sword from slicing at my neck. Grounding my feet further into the air currents I transfer the stabilization all through my body, feeling the strength building within the muscles of my arms I throw the force into a thrust forward. Push his blade away, sending Keith stumbling back.

Twirling around him as if in a dance, I send one of my duel blades forward as if to strike against his right side. The twin following shortly after but aiming for a different location. Keith was temporarily blindsided by parrying the first blade he didn't see the second one until it was too late. The second duel blade slicing open a large wound on his lower left side that was left unprotected. Keith hissed from the pain, moving his long sword aiming for my stomach.

Though I danced out of its range as it whistled through the air, making it miss its target. The enraged male held his right arm against his wound to slow the blood flow as his left hand held the pommel of the sword, its tip kissing the earth.

Pain erupted from my wrists as rough objects wrapped around them, dragging me down and slamming me onto the ground. The woman finally deciding to join in on the fight. Blue eyes seemed content enough to just to sit back and watch the proceedings for now. But I had a sneaking suspicion that he happened to be the best out of the three.

I had lost the concentration to keep the currents beneath my feet, effectively grounding me. But I had managed to hang onto my blades through sheer determination. Gritting my teeth, I force myself onto one of my knees. Grabbing onto the vines that imprisoned my wrists I give them a hard yank. Sending the woman stumbling towards me. By the time she neared me I had managed to make onto my feet, kicking out a leg I slam her into the ground beneath me. Slicing at her from above. She shielded herself as best as she could using her arms, causing me to cut them along with the vines she had been using previously. Consequently freeing me from them. The woman's eyes glanced to my left, focusing a little too clearly.

I turned in time for Keith to miss striking at my side. Keith had taken the opportunity during my lack of attention. Keith continued on his motion smoothly unfazed as he brought his weapon back in order to strike again. As I blocked his weapon and tried pushing it away from my body the woman kicked one on my legs out from underneath me. Causing my grip to falter, letting Keith's blade bite deeply into my dominate arm.

Crying out from the pain I let go of my weapons which disappeared into nothingness. Favoring to clutch at the wound trying to staunch the flow of blood. Some of my blood still seeping between my fingers, running down the length of my arm. Keith smiled smugly as he stalked closer to my pain riddled form, the woman giving a breathy chuckle at my misfortune. Keith roughly kicked me in my ribcage, a snap sounding out as he broke one or more of my ribs, making me fall onto my back with another scream. As if to taunt me further he cut me on the cheek with the tip of his sword. "Pay back is a mother. Isn't it?" The Mage snarled.

"Just finish her Keith! Quit playing with her." The woman huffed as she stood to her feet beside him. Keith's menacing grin grew as he brought his weapon up for the final blow. My eyes blurred from the pain, though they were able to lock with icy blue before I closed mine. Feeling around with my fingertips I felt around for the remaining vines that the woman had used on me before.


Chapter 4 as promised. Thank you for being patient. I hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter. Vote, Comment, Keep reading. Laters :)


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I made quite a few modifications from the original. For those that are new and are confused, I will answer any and all questions. Though the confusion will be cleared up the further I edit the book. Please be mindful that this is a slow process and I am doing my best to get through all the editing. So please be patient. I have two more chapters that go along with this one, so hang on for a moment while I post them. Until then...

Vote, Comment, and Keep Reading. Laters!

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