73| Falling Apart

Start from the beginning

"You know what happens next." Ra's reminded me as the two guards forced the man on his feet as they forced him in front of me before forcing him on his knees. "Now kill him."

I looked up at Ra's and shook my head. "No, I will not kill an innocent man."

"Yes. You will simply because I command it." He replied as a guard gave the chained man a blade. "Now do it. If not I'll make sure your friends back home suffer for it."

The man before me stood on his feet with a look of complete fear before he lived his blade, I easily got a hold of his wrist twisting it out of his hand before piercing my blade through his body. "I'm so sorry." I whispered before pulling out the blade letting the man fall limp on the floor.

"Again." Ra's ordered not giving me another second to process what I've just done. "I said again."

"You can't ask that of me." I muttered, but the look on his face told me that there was not way out of this. I had to face Ra's six more times and each time I failed I was forced to kill another man.

"Tell me how many men will have to die by your hand before you win a battle?" He asked and something inside me snapped as lunged forward twisting his arm back and forcing him against the wall with my blade on his throat. All the members of the League pointed there weapons towards me as Ra's lifted his hand signaling them to stand down "That's it. This is who you are." Ra's said with I look of satisfaction on his face. Shock of everything I've just done began to settle in as I took slowly steps back letting the blade slip through my fingers as is clattered on the ground.

"May I go to my chambers now?" I asked as my hands began to violently shake.

"Yes. Sarab shall escort you to your chambers." Ra's confirmed as Maseo stepped up taking a deep breath I followed him down the hall as we stopped in front of a par of large wooden doors.

"I am truly sorry." He said before walking away, with shaky fingers I opened the door entering my room, I only made it a couple of step in before I fell to my knees. Looking down at my blood stained hands I felt tears begin to run down my cheeks. A couple seconds later I heard the doors open and I didn't even bother looking back when Oliver sat down in front of me.

"It's going to be okay." He assured me softly as he took a hold of both of my hands cleaning the blood off with a piece of cloth he pulled out of his pocket.

"So...what the...plan?" I asked him as I tried to control the gasp that kept forming between each word.

"The plan has to change now. I wasn't aware the Ra's had the Alpha and Omega virus to that he was planning the destruction of Starling City so soon." Oliver admitted I looked up at him in disbelief. "I just need you to trust me. I'll figure something out I just need you to trust me. I need someone to trust me."

"I trust you. Always have." I told him as I pursed me lips together wiping away my tear now that they are clean. "One more question are we actually going to get married?"

"I don't know if I should be offered that your so worried about this."

"Well when Felicity finds out she'd definitely going to bit me head off." I replied as Oliver nodded in agreement. "So are we?"

"Right now all signs point to yes." Oliver confirmed as he looked me in the eye. "There's so much fear in your eyes. And I know that it's not because of Ra's or being stuck in here. So what is it?"

"Back in Central City we found a newspaper from the year 2024 and it say the Barry and Iris are married in the future. When we caught Harrison Wells he told me me something that I haven't been able to stop thinking about since." I told him slowly struggling to find the right words. "He...he told me that I either die a hero or I become my mother...I become the villain."

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