35| Realization

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"Multiple reports of looting at Western and another at Oxnard." Felicity's voice came through my earpiece. I finished change up a mugger I just caught to the police station. With thee police off the street it was up to us to catch all the loose criminals, and I couldn't remember the last time I slept.

"I got Oxnard." I informed since I was a block away.

"Copy that Laurel and I will cover Western" Roy confirmed.

I got on my bike and headed towards Oxnard where I found three men raiding an old Pawn Shop. When I came through the door two of the men pointed guns at me as the other continued to raid the cash register. I immediately shot the two men holding the guns with train arrows as the other pulled out a walkie. "Guys I have a problem here." He exclaimed into his walk and I shot it right out of his hand before I knocked him unconscious.


"If I don't suture this, it's gonna scar, Laurel." Roy warned her as he cleaned her cut.

"I'll just add it to my ever-growing collection." Laurel replied rolling down her sleeve and walking towards the rest of us. "My father give us anything to use to locate Brick?"

"I don't see how." I said looking at the pile of files in front of me. "Some of these go back decades."

"There is plenty of evidence against Brick, but there's nothing the police can make stick." Felicity said clearing up our situation.

"So this is what Brick has reduced us to grasping for straws. I don't know how you guys have done this for so long." Laurel asked in amazement.

"We had Oliver." Roy simply stated and we all nodded out heads in agreement.

"What are you doing?" Dig asked Felicity when she rushed to her computer.

"Grasping at straws I'm pretty sure, but maybe there's something in Brick's M.O. that would suggest a couple doors for us to kick down. I mean, for you to kick down." Felicity explained to us as she typed away eat her computer. "Cross-reference with alderman Ford's murder and the evidence your father gave us. The same gun was used in a 20-year-old shooting."

"The same gun?" I repeated in surprise.

"Either that's arrogance or stupidity." Roy concluded.

"In this case, definitely stupidity." Felicity agreed as she continued to go through the files. Suddenly she stopped on an article. "The victim from 20 years ago...Rebecca Merlyn."

"Daniel Brickwell killed Malcolm Merlyn's wife." I said in disbelief as I looked at the file that Felicity just pulled up.

We sttod around the room in complete silence as we took in this new information. "So Brick killed Malcolm's wife." Roy suddenly said breaking the silence. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"It is just another reason for them to share bunk beds in hell, not that I generally believe in hell, but for them, I will make an exception." Felicity replied bitterly as she gripped the edge of the table.

"Maybe we should get Merlyn to solve our Brick problem for us." Dig suggested, and for a moment it didn't seem like such a horrible idea.

"That's pretty dark." Laurel commented.

"Laurel, everything thats been going on here is dark." I reminded her running my hand through my hair.

"Even if we did stick Merlyn on Brick, which I am not advocating, he would have just as much trouble finding Brick as we've had." Felicity concluded as she began to pace around the room. "Brick's men have been busy. They're cutting down cell towers And disconnecting traffic cams And staying out of satellite line of sight, like basically every way I know how to find somebody."

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