59| Who Is Harrison Wells?

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Opening the apartment door was a struggle as had grocery bags in my hand. "Barry thank you so much for your help with the bags." I yelled as I entered the apartment setting all the bags on the kitchen counter. Slightly annoyed I began to put everything away when Barry cleared his throat behind me. Turning around I saw Barry standing in the middle of the kitchen wearing a suit with a white rose in his hand.

"Thought we could give that date a second shot. Since the triple date ended to horribly." Barry said as he took slowly steps towards me as he handed me the rose. It had been years since anyone has ever given me a flower and and I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, I won't lie probably the awkwardest diner I had to sit through." I admitted with a laugh.

"So what do you say, will you do me the honor of taking you out tonight?"

"I would love to go out with you tonight Barry Allen." I replied as I put the rose in a vase before I left to go get ready. Once I got ready we walked out into the parking lot but as I walked over to the drivers side Barry blocked my path.

"Can I drive?" Barry asked me, and I looked at my car and then back at him with uncertainty. "Come on you don't trust me with your car?"

"It's just that..."

"Please." Barry pleaded as he looked at me with a pout, I groaned in annoyance knowing that I couldn't say no as I held to keys out for him to take. "Yes!"

I sat nervously in the passengers seat as Barry drove us to the restaurant, the second he parkedIi looked at the restaurant with uncertainty but didn't say anything as he led me inside. Barry quickly pulled out the chair for me and I gave him a grateful smile as I took a seat. I picked up the menu in front of us and one look at the prices practically gave me a heart attack. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah absolutely." He replied quickly, when he opened to menu his eyes widened as he looked at the prices. "Order whatever you want."

"Yeah, you know what? Lets go." I told him as I stood up.

"What no. Its fine." Barry exclaimed as he stood up as up as well.

"Look, I don't need a fancy diner. All I need is to be with you." I said putting my hands on his chest. "So how about we go home, we cook come diner together, and then...we'll see what happens after that."

"We'll you are giving me a very convincing offer." He replied with a contagious smile. "Lets go."

After we left the restaurant and got back the apartment we began argue on what we would make for diner. "No Barry we are not making brownies."

"How about we eat an actual diner after we've had brownies." He suggested causing me to roll my eyes. "You know do something different."

"Fine you want brownies? Then you make the brownies." I told him as I sat down on the stool.

"Fine." Barry replied and he left a second later to come back with a box of brownies mix.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief as he read the instruction from the box. "We have all the ingredients here to make them from scratch."

"I'm making them, so I'm making them my way." He exclaimed as he began to pull out the things he needed. I watched as he struggled to put all the ingredients together, and I became to painful to watch that I had to stand up to help him.

"Here give me that." I ordered as I took the bowl away from him to mix all the ingredients together.

"That took a lot longer than I hoped." Barry admitted as he helped me put the final batter in the pan that we were going to put in the oven.

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