34| Midnight City

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I jumped from the rooftop and landed right in front of the jewel thief. "I've always wanted to have a run in with you." He said with a smirk.

"Well here I am." I played along taking a couple steps closer.

"Yes you are." He continued before I kicked him across the face. "Feisty I like it. Maybe I could take you out sometime?"

I laughed as I grabbed him by the color of his shirt. "That's never going to happen."

"Diane I have a small problem here. Meet me at the hideout." Roy's voice came through my earpiece. With one final punch I knocked he guy out and handcuffed him to a pipe outside of the SCPD. I made my way towards the hideout not knowing what to expect, but when I saw Laurel getting stitched up by Roy and wearing all black leather I knew that now he had another problem to deal with.

"What the hell do you think you were doing?" I asked walking towards them causing them to both look up from their conversation.

"Same thing as you two." Laurel replied standing up with determination.

"No it is most definitely not the same thing." I countered attempting to keep my anger under control. "I was born into the League."

"And I've had training from Oliver and Diane and years on the streets." Roy continued with my rationalization. "You have a law degree. Look I get it. This? This isn't how you deal with grief, Laurel."

"Exactly." I agreed despite Laurel anger look. "This is how you get yourself killed."

"Laurel, what the hell?" Dig exclaimed as he entered the room taking in the scene before him. "You are certifiable if you think you can wear your sister's mask."

Our harsh words didn't seem to faze Laurel as she continued to look at us with determination. "Yeah, yeah, you're all right. But Oliver, the Arrow. He's gone now. And like it or not, the Canary sends the same message. They fear her."

"No, laurel. They fear your sister." Dig corrected as Laurel's face slowly began to crumble before she quickly forced a straight face.

"Yeah. She's not here anymore." She replied before she stormed out of the room. I sighed as I gripped the edge of the table.

"How do we stop her?" I asked looking between Diggle and Roy. "She's not going to stop."

"And that's why we'll stop her every time she goes out there." Dig assured crossing his arms over his chest. "She doesn't know what she's getting herself into."

"We'll just have to deal with her when the time comes." I began, knowing that we had bigger problems on our hands. "For know we just have to focus on finding Brick."


It seemed that our needing to deal with Laurel would happen a lot sooner than I expected as when I entered the hideout the next day Roy and Laurel were waiting there impatiently. When she saw me she automatically straightened herself as she met my eyes with a set determination. 

"Laurel has something to run by you." Roy stated as he looked over at Laurel. I waited expectantly although I already knew where this conversation was going.

"First I'm going to tell you that even if you don't agree it won't change anything." Laurel warned. "The aldermen were just kidnapped and you can't deny that you guys are shorthanded and I want to help. No, I'm going to help."

I couldn't deny that I admired her bravery and her determination, but I still had that doubt in the back of my head that told me that this was a bad idea. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to her because I let her do this. But if she was determined to do this regardless for what I say, it only seemed logical that she do it beside me. "Okay."

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