56| After Party

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"There were eight victims total, all shot with arrows." Captain Lance informed from the press conference that we were watching from the hideout."However, one escaped and has given us a statement."

"Which remains uncorroborated, so the district attorney's office Is going to continue to investigate before filing the charges." Laurel quickly added as an attempt to prove that it wasn't the Arrow who was responsible for the murders.

"So which one is it, is The Arrow being implicated here or not?" One of the reporters asked.

"We're not sure of anything yet." Laurel assured knowing there was know way she could prove the Arrow's innocence.

"We have a statement from Mr. Palmer." The mayor informed before she moved to the side to allow Ray to speak.

"While it's hard to ignore all the good The Arrow has done for the city, It is equally hard to ignore the evidence of his apparent guilt." Ray began to say as we all looked at the television screen in shock. "In any case, The Arrow needs to be apprehended, And at least brought to trial, not justice."

"I didn't know he was going to do that." Felicity said as she shook her head in disbelief.

"And I am devoting all of my substantial resources towards making certain The Arrow is apprehended."

You have to meet with Lance and tell him it wasn't you.

"Word doesn't carry a lot of weight with him right now." Oliver replied deep in thought.

"So, bring in the culprit. Figure out who's doing this and why." Dig stated, and there was no denying all the tension that was in the room.

"Well, we know who's doing this." I exclaimed knowing that we were ignoring the big picture. "The League of Assassins."

"So this is how Ra's Al Ghul handles rejection, huh?" He commented as he crossed his arms over his chest in disbelief.

"No, I think the point is that he doesn't."

"He's trying to turn the city against me; make the offer to take his place more appealing." Oliver continued to explain as he gripped the edge of the table before turning towards Roy. "Hit the streets. Whoever's doing this is targeting criminals. We need to know who they're going to hit next. We need all the information that the police have from the crime scene. Whoever is under that hood has to leave a trail, something to follow."

"I'm on it." Roy said as he left the room to carry out the orders given to him.

"How can we help?" Dig asked as he and Lyla stepped up.

"Go to Starling City airport." Oliver ordered without a second thought.

"Ok, to do what?"

"It's called a honeymoon." Oliver continued as he placed a reassuring hand on Dig's shoulder.

"Fiji can wait." Dig replied as his wife nodded in agreement.

"No. Fiji can't wait. All right? This is still your day, and I'm not going to let Ra's Al Ghul ruin that." He continued not taking no for an answer.


"You followed me into The Lion's Den once already. This time, choose your family. Go, live. We got this." Oliver assured Dig, and although it was clear that Dig wasn't fully convinced he nodded as he left the hideout with Lyla.

"Oliver is there anything we can do?" I asked him not wanting to feel useless.

"No, you two go back to Central City." He replied simply causing me to roll my eyes at his refusal to not let me near The League.

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