52| Turmoil

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After Barry left for the Casino I continued feeling a tight pressure in my chest and I knew I need some time alone. I got up from my chair causing Caitlin and Dr. Wells to look up at me with curiosity. "I'm not feeling so well, if you need me I'll be in the break room."

I sat down on the old couch as I took a deep breath trying to sort out all of my emotions. "Do you want to talk about it?" Caitlin asked as she took a seat next to me.

"Barry told me he loved me." I told her and her eyes widened.

"And you freaked out." She concluded and I nodded in confirmation.

"Yeah...I mean I wouldn't have reacted the way I did if he hadn't said he loved me." I said softly as I wiped away stray tear. "I know I have strong feelings for him, I just don't know if its love yet. And it hurts seeing that I'm hurting him."

"Diane you just need to sort out your feelings." Caitlin said as she put her hand over mine. "Then maybe you'll realize that you do love him."

"I just need some time alone." I told her and she nodded her head understanding.

"I''ll go see if Cisco's finally shown up." Caitlin said before she left the break room.

"Caitlin I told you I needed sometime alone." I repeated when she cam into the room and then I noticed the fearful look on her face. I stood up immediately knowing that something bad had to have happened. "What's wrong?"

"Snart...Snart has Cisco." She replied slowly and I shook my head in disbelief.

"Okay, let go get Cisco back." I said as I walked down the hallway and into the Cortex with Caitlin trailing behind me. The second my eyes met Barry's everything cam rushing back but I pushed it back knowing that there were more important things to worry about.  "So what exactly is going on?"

"Right.Um...last night Cisco left with some girl at the bar." Barry began to explain and I was slightly surprised to find out that Cisco left with some girl, but I didn't understand what the had to do with Snart. "Well it turns out that girl was Snart's sister."

"Okay so how did we find Snart last time?" I remind them.

"Cisco used satellite thermography." Barry replied and I nodded as Caitlin ran to the computer.

"There's nothing on the satellite thermography." Caitlin announced slightly annoyed that the only way we had of finding Snart came up with nothing. "How are we going to find him now?"

"You were right." Barry said as he looked at Dr. Wells. "This is all my fault."

"How is this your fault?" I asked irritated that he was blaming himself for this.

"Brave heart, Barry. We'll get Cisco back." Dr. Wells assured before footstep were heard behind us.

"I'm back." Cisco announce as he walked into the room with a heartbreaking look on his face.

"Oh, my God. Are you okay?" Caitlin exclaimed as she got up and an to cisco giving him a long hug.

"We were so worried." I told him as I gave him a tight hug.

"What happened? How did you escape?" Barry asked in worry as he took a couple steps forward.

"I didn't." Cisco replied not meeting anyones eyes.

"Snart just let you go? Why?" Barry continued to ask.

"He, um he tortured my brother. And he said he was gonna kill him if I didn't if I didn't tell him tell him..."

"What?" I asked softly.

"Who The Flash really is. I, honestly, man, they they could've killed me." Cisco said choking on his words as his eyes began to fill this tears. "But they were gonna kill my brother. I couldn't let him do that. I'm sorry, Barry."

"No. I'm so sorry. I put you in that position." Barry began as he walked up to Cisco and puled him into a hug. "I'm the one who's sorry." Cisco nodded as he began to walk out of the Cortex. "Where are you going?"

"I don't deserve to be here. I won't be the one to put you in jeopardy. Not again. Never again." Cisco said before he left the Cortex, and without a word Dr. Wells went after him. Barry, Caitlin and I stood there in the middle of the Cortex as an awkward silence came over us.

"Let figure out what Snart's endgame is." I said breaking the silence and they both nodded as we  began working on possible theories.

"I think we've got." Barry confirmed looked up from his computer.

"Guys, you should get up here." Caitlin announced in to mic before she turned back towards us.

"The casino wasn't the target." Barry said the second that Dr. Wells and Cisco entered the room.

"Then why did he do it?" Cisco asked as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"Casinos keep tons of cash on hand to cover their markers, not to mention the money that they make." Caitlin informed as she turned around in her chair.

"But if they're under attack, the protocol is to relocate the money outside the casino." I continued to explain.

"So, that was Snart's plan all along. To trigger the move." Dr. Wells concluded from what we just explained tot them.

"Okay, where is it now?" Cisco asked and we immediately began working on hiding to location.


After everything with Snart I went home and took a very much needed shower hoping that it would help me take my mind off of things, but it didn't help in the slightest. I began to pace around my room not being able to spend much time standing still as all my thoughts began to mess with me. In a split second decision I grabbed my keys then headed out of my apartment and drove all the way to the West's house. Once I was parked outside I began to question why exactly I was here, not pondering on the idea much as I setting out of the car and into the cold night air.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, I had no idea what I was going to say and when Barry opened the door I froze.  "Diane why are you in your pajamas?"

I looked down at my pajamas and then back at him. "Barry I didn't come her for you to comment on what I wear."

"Then what are you doing here?" He asked and I ran my hand through my hair realizing that even I didn't know what I was doing here.

"Barry I can't stop thinking about what you told me and I...I" I was at a loss of words, but I decided to stop overthinking everything. "I do have feelings for you Barry, I just didn't understand those feelings. But now I do and I want us Barry...I want you.  So if its not to late I..." I didn't get a chance to finish as Barry brushed some hair out of my face and tilted be head up softly brushing my his lips against mine. "That was a lot easier than I thought."

"You really think that I would play hard to get when I've been dying to kiss you." Barry replied with a smile on his face as he set his hands on my waist. I put my hand behind his next as I pulled him into a kiss, as he slowly kissed me back I knew that letting go of all my fears was the right thing. Because that meant being happy, and Barry made me happy. And kissing him like this made me feel complete, that a piece of me that was missing was finally put back.


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