01| The Scientists

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"I heard about the break in." I said as I approached the group furious about the situation, the idea alone of someone breaking into a building that felt like my own sent rage running through my veins. "Who broke into my lab?"

"We'll this is what we were able to pull off the security cameras." One of the security guards said showing us footage of the man who broke into the lab, although it seemed like an impossible task for one man alone to complete. When designing the building we had ensured that it would be practically impossible to break in. "The rest of the crew must have come in after him."

"Actually it was only one guy." We all turned around towards the source of the voice to approached us hesitantly. "And I'm sorry I'm late. But actually, my train was late. Well, the second one." As he started rambling I crossed my arms and waited for him to finish wondering who he could possibly be. "The first one I did miss, but that was my cab driver's fault. I'm here now, though."

"Great." I replied dismissively, having no interest in his story and in no mood to hear it. "Now, who are you?"

"I'm Barry Allen. I'm from the Central City police department. I'm from the crime scene investigation unit."

"Well, can I see some I.D?" I questioned stepping closer, the way he was acting spiking my suspicion. Or it was possibly the fact that he looked incredibly young to be a detective. 

"Oh ya, of course." He said nervously as he searched his pockets and finally showed us the badge.

"Bartholomew?" I said reading the badge.

"Ya, but everyone calls be Barry." He said looking at me nervously.

Oliver seemed equally as suspicious as he stepped forward studying the man closely. "Okay, but what does this have to do with Central City?" 

"We're working on a case with some similar unexplained elements, so when the report of your robbery came over the wire, my captain sent me up here."

"And you think that one guy ripped through this door like foil?" Detective Lance questioned in disbelief, and I had to agree that idea itself was ridiculous. 

"One very strong guy." Barry corrected awkwardly as he handed Oliver his tablet showing a picture of one of the strangled guards. "Yeah."

"Well, it takes roughly about 1,250 foot pounds of torque to break someone's neck." I stated challenging his statement, there is no way one guy could have done this, it's impossible.

"Okay you see the marks on the gaurd's neck." He said pointing at the photo. "The bruising patterns suggest the killer used only one hand. I'm guessing you don't know how hard it is to break someone's neck?"

"Hmm, no." Oliver responded quickly caught off guard by Barry Allen's question. "No, idea."

"I'm going to have to make a list of the entire inventory, to figure out what exactly was stolen." I replied instead knowing that in order to know who did this we needed to know what they wanted and what their motivation was. The Applied Sciences unit was currently working on many projects though none could technically be weaponized. 

"Actually, I think I know what was stolen." Barry said stepping forward. "A centrifuge, an industrial centrifuge."

"No." I whispered suddenly feeling light headed at the news as I immediately walked over to where the centrifuge was supposed to be located, bending over to examine the base.

"Probably the Cord Enterprises 2Bx 400." Barry said as he bent down next to me inspecting the base. "Maybe the six series."

"Actually, it's the fifth series." I said looking over at Oliver my irritation quickly returning.  "Queen Consolidated doesn't give the applied sciences unit enough funding to get the six."

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