08| A Hero Reborn

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"I can't believe we did it." Caitlin said as we both stepped back to look at our work.

"I can't believe you ever doubt we could." I said as I crossed my arms admiring our success. After a whole night of replicating the cells finally formed a whole copy of Black.

"Look, I was wrong about you." Caitlin apologized, and I was honestly surprised that she did. "I was rude, and you obviously want what's good for Barry and S.T.A.R. Labs. "

"I understand, a complete stranger comes into your life you have a right to be doubtful." I said not really liking this whole moment, yet her apology meant a lot. "Now we just have to get Barry down here."

"Wow, that's awesome." Cisco commented as he entered the room, he walked over to Black replica and poked it's cheek.

"The power of team work." I replied. "Now how about you make the call Caitlin."

Caitlin then walked over to the main control table and started to dial Barry's number "I know, but you need to get to S.T.A.R. Labs right now!"

A few seconds after she put the phone down I was suddenly pushed back, and away from Black's replica.

"Barry, it's okay." I said rubbing my shoulder from the impact of Barry's arm. That was definitely going to leave a bruise.

"It is not okay." Barry exclaimed while in a defensive stance. "Black is here, and he's juststanding there. That's not him, is it?"

"It's one of his replicates." Caitlin clarified, seeing Barry's confused state.

"How did you get it?" Barry asked in amazement as he studied the replica.

"We grew him." Caitlin declared in an excited tone. "We isolated a sample of Black's blood from you suit to see if we could trigger the in vitro cultivation process and learn how Black multiplies."

Caitlin motioned for me to continue, and it proved that my initial theory about our relationship was wrong. "So we exposed the target cells to a protein gel, and they began to replicate." I said and then I pointed at the motionless Black. "Into that."

"Why isn't he It doing anything?"

"We did a brain scan. Involuntary motor functions are active, little else." Caitlin declared as she pulled up the results from the brain scan. "We think it's acting as a receiver. The clones are an empty shell without Black. Shut down the real Black, and you might shut them all down."

"But how do we know which one's the real Danton Black?" Barry asked with a hint of insecurity, but he was clearly interested in what we had to say.

"Well, as powerful as you are you do have your limits, and Black must have them too." I explained what our theories from earlier. "Controlling all those clones requires a lot of power, so our guess is that the Black showing signs of weakness is the prime."

"Just a theory." Wells reminded. "But one you might want to put to the test, Mr. Allen."

"Plus, we whipped up these high- calorie protein bars for you to keep your metabolism up." Cisco said handing Barry the protein bars that he was working on, when Caitlin suddenly screamed. I looked up and out of instinct I punched to now moving replica of Black in the face before gunshots were fired.

"Any more of them?" Joe said holding his gun in firing position, and with our conformation he relaxed. Then all eyes were on me for reacting the way I did.

"I grew up on the streets of The Glades, I would be dead if I didn't know how to defend myself." I replied to their questioning eyes, but they didn't ask for a further explanation since we had an important task at hand.

"Okay...why did it start moving?" Barry asked in concern.

"The prime. My guess is, the prime is on the move." Dr, Wells answered. "This one heard the summons to battle."

"And I know where he was summoned to." Joe informed us, as he looked over a Barry who still seemed upset with him. "Stagg Industries."

"You should call it in." Barry replied stubbornly.

"Police can't fight this. What Black's become, like Mardon beyond me. Maybe way beyond them, too. The only person it's not beyond is you. You gotta do this." Joe said encouragingly to his son, and his words seemed to be all that Barry needed to lighten his mood up. "I get it. So for once in your life, do what I tell you to do. Go stop him."

Barry immediately sped off, with the suit no longer in its case. Everyone in the room crowded around the main control panel, to see the monitor of Barry's vitals. Although we couldn't see what was going on, we knew from the constant spikes in Barry's vitals that things were not going well.

"Barry focus." I said into the mic. "Find the prime."

"There's too many of them to fight." Barry replied slightly out of breath.

"Barry, you have to find the prime." I repeated but I knew my words were useless, so I turned over to Joe who was biting his nails nervously. When I caught his eyes he knew that he was the only one who would encourage him to push further.

"I can't." Barry continued to yell out. "It's impossible."

"Nothing's impossible, Barry." Joe said reassuring Barry. "You taught me that. You can do this."

That's all needed to get his spirits up because after that the suit wasn't picking up any spikes to his vitals. But we all began to worry when Barry hadn't communicated with us yet. "Barry. Barry, are you all right?" Joe began to speak into the mic.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." We all heard Barry assure. "It's done."

Another minute passed before Barry informed us that Black killed himself, so Cisco immediately turned on the T.V to see if there was any news of Danton Black's death when Barry entered the room in a normal pace, clearly distraught about Black's death. "Central City police officials are now confirming former employee Danton Black..."

"Tried to save him." Barry said quietly, as the reporter gave details about Danton Black's life and death.

"Doesn't sound like he wanted to be saved." Wells assured Barry. "Some people, when they break they can't be put together again."

"Some people heal even stronger." Barry said looking over at Caitlin, who seemed to have remembered her fiancés tragedy. Yet, I couldn't help but think about how Barry's words mirrored many of Team Arrows members. We all had our demons to hid, but they also make us stronger all the same.

"I hope so." Wells said wheeling himself towards the center of the room.

"Well, at least Multiplex won't be able to hurt anyone else." Cisco said as he pulled his lollipop out of his mouth with a triumphant smile. "Told you I'd come up with a cool name."

"Yeah, I may be the one in the suit doing all the running. But when I'm out there helping people, making a difference. You're all out there with me." Barry said as he was about to leave. "Finally realized something, we were all struck by that lightning."

Barry's speech became a sort of closure for me, because it helped me realizes that this is my new team and I shouldn't keep thinking about Starling as my only home. "Oh, and Allen." I said right before he left. "I told you so."


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