60| Prison Break

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Before I even considered Oliver I went to the SCPD to visit Roy, because I needed to know what he had to say before I even snapped at Oliver or the rest of the team. One of the officers stopped me as I made my way through the station. "Can I help you?"

"I need to see Roy Harper." I replied.

"I don't know, Captain Lance is out with some officers from the CCPD." He informed and I just gave him a look of annoyance.

"It wasn't a question. I am going to see Roy Harper." I countered seconds away from snapping at him.

"Um...okay wait right here." The officer said nervously before he walked away only to come back a few minutes later. "Okay follow me."

I followed him into the interrogation room where Roy was handcuffed to the table. "Roy." I exclaimed as I rushed to his side. "Roy? What the hell is going on?"

"Diane....listen this is my choice, only mine." Roy assured as I took a seat across from him.

"Why...why would you want to this?" I said feeling at the loss of words, and although I had seen him in this position many times before this felt different. 

"I had to help Oliver...I couldn't let them take him in. Not after everything he's done for me.. for us." Roy explained as he set his hands over mine. "It going to be okay."

"How can you say that? They're going to take you to Iron Heights which is filled with criminals that the Arrow caught. I can't... I can't... even think about what they could do to you." I told him beginning to panic at the thought of something happening to Roy. "I'm going to get you out of here."

"No, I'm fine." Roy assured and there was a peaceful look on his face that made me realize that there was more to this than just helping Oliver.

"You're okay with this because you think to deserve it, don't you?" I asked and he didn't have to say a words to confirm my theory. He still felt guilty for killing that man. "Roy was happened to that officer it wasn't you."

"It was because I was the one that pulled the trigger Mirakuru or not." He continued stubbornly. "Your just have to trust me."

"This city needs you Roy." I said in one last attempt to convince him.

"No this city needs the Arrow."

I shook my head definitely not willing to accept any of this. "I need you Roy. Do you really believe that I could live my life with you locked up. If you believe you deserved this for what you did to one man when you weren't in control of yourself, I don't even want to think what I deserve after everything that I have done. And I don't have Mirakuru to blame, that was all me."

"Diane... let me do this my choice had been made."

Gripping his hand tightly I leaned closer to him, looking into his blue eyes. The same blue eyes I have looked into for over twelve years. "So have I. And I will not let to spend the rest of your life behind bars. I love you too much to let that happen."


"Please tell me it wasn't you that put him up to this." I stated as I approached Oliver completely over taken by my fury. Although I deeply cared for Oliver I would still put Roy above anyone else in my life without a moments hesitation. 

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