62| Sweet Revenge

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My eyes widened and I reached behind be for the syringe, as the shapeshifter searched for a response from me. Suddenly the security alarm went off and I pushed the meat away as I saw Iris walking this was through the security camera. "Look who's here."

"Yes...her." The meta replied with an annoyed look on his face as he walked into the Cortex. I walked behind him as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Hi, I have been looking for you everywhere." Iris exclaimed to the man she believed was Barry.

"Here I am."

"Iris what are you doing here?" I asked getting between her and the meta.

"Look, whoever is framing Eddie, I got to thinking. What if they've done something like this before? I went through CCPN's crime archives, and in the last 11 months, there have been six crimes committed by people who later swore that they were innocent." She began to explain as she walked to one of the computer. "None of them had priors, all of them had rock-solid alibis."

"All right." I said waiting for her to continue,

"So I hacked into my dad's CCPD account, and went through the footage of Eddie shooting those cops." Iris said as she pulled up the security camera from the police car. "Look."

She played the video showing Eddie shooting two cops, and although I wasn't completely caught up on this whole situation I knew Eddie well enough to know that wasn't him. I don't know. "Seems pretty convincing to me." The meta said as he placed his hands behind his back.

"Look again." Iris insisted as she played the video again. "Eddie is not left-handed. Look, Eddie is being framed, and we need to figure out who is behind this. And believe me, when I get my hands on them, they are going to be..."

From the corner of my eye I was able to see the shapeshifter beginning to pull out a gun with his left hand. As he lifted it Grabbed his wrist twisting the gun out of his hand before punching him in the face causing him to fall to the floor.

"Oh, my God. What did you do?" Iris exclaimed as she watched in horror as who she believed was Barry lying on the floor with a bloody nose. As he was about to get up again Dr. Wells came in with Caitlin at his side, he pulled out a taser and used it against the meta finally knocking him out. "Oh my God what is wrong with you?"

"Your observations about the shooter were spot on, Miss West." Dr. Wells told her as he fully entered the Cortex. "He was indeed left-handed. As is this man. Our Barry is right-handed."

"Then this is him." Iris exclaimed in excitement.

"It is indeed."

"I need to take him in to the police." She continued kicking the gun away. "If they can see what he can do, then maybe they'll let Eddie go."

"Perhaps it might be best if Dr.Snow, Ms.Crock and I handle this." Wells instead and Caitlin and I nodded our heads in agreement.

"What are you two going to do?" iris asked in confusion. "No.No, no, no. I'm taking him in."

"Of course." Dr. Wells agreed, seeing that there would be no way of convincing her to leave the meat with us without telling her the whole truth. The three of us carried the unconscious meta into Caitlin's car, and I tried up his hands and feet.

"Okay, I'm going to find our Barry. Be Careful." I told them as I rushed over to my car on my way to Joe's.


"Oh, Barry." I said as I kneeled downiest to him, slowly I flipped him on his back. He was completely unconscious so I slapped him across the face. In an instant his eyes went wide as struggled against the tape that tied his wrist and ankles together. Barry let out muffles groans so I ripped the tape from his mouth so that he could speak.

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