66| Almost Losing You

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"You're experiencing a spike of activity in your primary motor cortex." Caitlin informed as she looked at the result from Barry's MRI. "It's the same thing we saw in Eiling. The images you saw were some kind of psychic attack by Grodd."

"First Eddie gets taken by The Man in Yellow, and now my dad." Iris said as tears began to fall down her cheeks.

"We're gonna save both of them, Iris. I promise you." Barry assured her, but she didn't seem comforted by his words.

"The tracker arrow I shot Grodd with. We should have his location as soon as it activates." I said in an attempt to help her see that not all hope was lost.

"No. I can't wait for that." He replied as he gripped onto the edge of the table in frustration. "I will search every inch of that sewer if I have to."

"And what happens if you find them?" I asked making him see that he was thinking irrationally. "What happens if Grodd takes over your mind the same way he did with Eiling? What then?"

"Can you guys build me something?" Barry asked. "Some kind of tech so he can't get into my head?"

"I don't know." Cisco muttered in uncertainty. "Maybe if Dr. Wells were here."

"I don't understand. Every day you guys figure out a way to help people." Iris yelled at the four of us in frustration. "All of The Flash's powers and all of this equipment, and you can't save Eddie and my dad?"

Without another word she left the Cortex as the four of us watched her leave. "We'll figure something out. Right?" I said looking over at Cisco, he nodded.

"Right." He replied as he walked out of the room, coming back a few minutes later with a handful of scrap metal and tools. "Now lets find a way to defeat King Kong and get back our Ann."

"Did you guys figure something out?" Iris asked as she walked back into the Cortex an hour later as Cisco was adding the finishing touches to his newest invention.

"An anti-telepathy strip. It uses magnetic resonance to neutralize any foreign neurological stimulus." Cisco explained as he showed off his final product.

"So it'll protect Barry from being mind-controlled?" Iris asked as she look at the headset.

"That's the hope, but we have no way of knowing if it actually works." He replied with uncertainty taking a look at the headset again.

"It'll work." Barry said with certainty.

"The tracker just came online. We have Grodd's location." Cisco informed as he showed us

"Be careful." I said as I turned my chair towards him. He only nodded once as he kissed the top of my head.

"Get my dad back." Iris told him before he rushed out of the room.

"Barry, what's your ETA?" Cisco asked as we watched Barry's tracker move across the city and then into the sewers.

"All right." Barry said his voice coming through the speakers. "I'm in position."

"Wait for my signal." Cisco told him as he pulled up a map showing both of Barry's and Grodd's locations in the sewers.

"So the red, that's Barry?" Iris asked looking at the red signal tagged as Flash.

"Yes." Caitlin confirmed pulling up a chart showing us his vitals.

"And the blue?"

"Is Grodd." I replied.

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