72| Nightmares

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Oliver looked down at me to cold blade still against my throat when a loud ear piercing sound was heard. I shut my eyes in pain as suddenly Oliver stumbled to his feet, slowly O stood up to find Dig and Laurel standing on the other side of the building. "We can't let you hurt her, man." Dig yelled out a gun pointed straight at Oliver. An without another word Oliver jumped of the edge of the building shooting an arrow at the other building softening the fall.

"Diane? Nyssa?" Laurel asked as she ran over to Nyssa helping her up as Dig did the same to me. A part of me was still stunned as I realized what was about to happen, Oliver was seconds away from killing me, the man I learned to look up to was about to take my life.


"How are you?" Dig asked as he finished stitching up my shoulder.

"I've been better." I told him bluntly pulling the sleeve of my shirt up again.

"So are you going to explain what happened to you out there?" Dig exclaimed looking down at me with disappointment. "You went out there alone and you were about to let yourself get killed."

"I had to do it okay? I had to face this. I'm tired of running away from my problems. Tired of pretending they're not there." I told him feeling all my frustrations let a hold of me. "Its time to face the fact that I can't be happy. I...I don't deserve to be happy. Not after everything I've done. Not after all the people I've hurt and killed. What's happening to Oliver...it has to be me getting what I deserve. This is the price I have to pay after everything I've done."

"Kid are you even listening to yourself." Dig asked in disbelief. "You are one of the most kind hearted people I know. Ever since I met you all you have ever wanted to do was help people. You risked your life everyday day to keep this city safe, so you can't tell me you deserve being hunted down this way."

"Dig you don't understand. All the good I've done the people I've helped doesn't out weigh all the horrible things I've done." I argued as I stood up from my chair. "He told us everything we did was for the good of the world. And for the longest time I believed it. I was so blind to what I was doing and the worst part is that I never questioned it. So yes Diggle I do deserve what is happening."

"Diane I hate to ask but what happened in Central City? What happened to Barry?" Felicity asked carefully.

"Yeah we saw the news reports. Seemed like total chaos." Dig added both of them looking at me with so many question.

"I'm guessing you two are referring to the giant black hole we created in the middle of Central City?" I replied in an annoyed tone.

""Yeah it looked pretty bad." Felicity mumbled as she picked up a pen and began to play around with it.

"It was." I said with a sigh. Everything just felt like a bad dream that it actually didn't happen and that when I woke up everything would go back to the way it was. "We lost two people we really cared about. They both sacrificed themselves to save us...We're responsible for the destruction on half of Central City. After everything was over...well lets just say there is no Team Flash anymore."

"Wait Barry gave up being the Flash?" Felicity questioned in surprise.

"No. He just wants to this in his own. Look I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"Yeah we understand." Dig said as he as he stood up. "How about we talk about what we're going to do with Oliver."

"I think I'm going to talk to Nyssa about it. We'll come up with something." I told them but Diggle didn't seem happy with the idea at all. "Don't worry we'll run it by you."

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