"I'm taking your word for it." He replied in a more playful tone. "I think its time to go back with the family."

"Okay I'll see you guys later." I told them before living the building as I walked down the street towards the warehouse where Nyssa was staying I saw Thea heading my way.

"Diane you're back." She exclaimed before giving me a tight hug. "Iv'e missed you. Dis you hear about Ollie?"

"Yeah." I said realizing that neither Felicity or Diggle have given her the reason why he's here.

"What are you going to do? I mean we have to get him back." Thea said the worry clear in her eyes, Oliver was the only real family she had left other than Merlyn. "Can we get him back?"

"I don't think we can." I told her honestly. "Look Thea. Roy he's alive."

"What! Roy's alive." She replied in disbelief.

"I can't believe they didn't tell you. But you should go look for him. Go start a new life with him. You both deserve it." I said, because after all the horrible things that are happening and the ones that I knew were coming, I wanted someone to come out the other end happy. "You both deserve to happy happy together and restart somewhere else."

"I think you're right." Thea mumbled as she looked down at her feet. "If there's anyone I would want to start a life with if would be him. But...but where if he?"

"Here, give me your phone." I asked her as I quickly typed in his address and handed the phone back over to her. "Good luck Thea."

She gave me a strange look before I pulled her into another hug. "Why does this feel like a good-bye?"

"Because maybe it is."


"Laurel! Diane!" Diggle yelled as he entered the warehouse with Felicity struggling to catch up with him.

"What happened?" Laurel asked noticing his agitated state.

"Oliver and his new friends took Lyla." He said as he looked between Nyssa and I.

"What?" I asked in disbelief that Oliver would actually go as far as to take Lyla. "Where's Sara, is she ok?"

"Yeah, she's with John's neighbor." Felicity informed and I felt myself relax knowing that Sara was okay.

"What's wrong with you?!" Diggle yelled as he pinned Nyssa against the wall.

"Hey, it is not Nyssa's fault!" Laurel exclaimed as we both pulled him away from Nyssa.

"No, just her people. You call yourself warriors. You claim to have honor. Well, if you knew the meaning of the word, you would know there are some lines you do not cross!"

"Ok, John, back off." I told him be causing he wasn't just insulting Nyssa he was also hurting me with his words.

"You back off!" He yelled at me causing me to take a couple of steps backwards.

"I am truly sorry." Nyssa apologized as she dusted herself off. "I never meant for any harm to come to you or your family."

"Yeah, Nyssa? Then prove it. Hand yourself over to the League."

"What?! We're just going to negotiate with him now?" Laurel exclaimed proving that she was the only one on our side. "Are we just going to give in? Turn over an innocent people?"

"She's not innocent! She's the daughter of the Demon." Diggle continued to yell. "She's killed hundreds of people."

"So have I John! So have I!" I reminded him. "Nyssa and I were raised the exact same way. So everything that applies to her applies to me too."

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