Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"SO! LET ME BE YOURS!" With a big note from the guitars Leo ended the song. The boys laughed as they gathered in the centre of the stage. 

"Thats my favourite song." I admired from one of the sets of stairs on the stage. They had two tiers to the set so that they could jump around and be at different heights. They say that having just one flat stage is boring. 

"It may as well be written about you the way Ethan sings it!" Dylan winked. I raised an eyebrow as Ethan bega to redden in the cheeks. 

"Maybe I did write it about you..." He mumbled whilst looking at the ground. 

"AW!" I stood up and waddled my way over to him and embraced him sideways. 

"It's cute right?" Leo admired. 

"Yes." I nodded and kissed Ethan's jaw, the only bit I could reach. 

"Good souncheck guys." Dean, the tour manager, strolled on stage. "There's already a massive line outside. Your fame never ceases to amaze me." 

"We have the best fans." Dylan agreed. 

"Look at this place, in a matter of hours it will be full. Everyone here for The Lost Angels. All of them here for the last tour date of your world tour which has all sold out."  Dean grinned. "Working for you boys is the best." 

"I've been meaning to ask, why haven't you guys invited your girlfriends along?" He motioned to everyone but Ethan. 

"There isn't any." Leo shrugged.  Dylan's face fell and he looked at the ground. 

"Ok, go to your dressing rooms and prepare." Dean shooed the boys who happily all began running off the stage. Ethan walked slowly hand in hand with me. We used to run off with the boys until I became heavily pregnant and began walking like a penguin everywhere. 

"What happened to Brooke?" I questioned as we made our way to the dressing room at our own pace.

"She broke up with him last month." Ethan replied. "She was seeing someone else and was fed-up with being nothing compared to her boyfriend or something."

"Sounds quite selfish of her." I commented. Ethan 'mmm'd' in response. "These cramps are killing  me." I took a deep breath as I put my spare hand on my stomach.

"Is everything ok?" Ethan panicked more than I expected.

"I've had them for the past couple weeks, everything is ok." I laughed at his concern. "It's going to get a lot worse." I pointed out. 

"I can't wait until you break my hand." He smiled at me. 

"Good." I giggled. 

"Tony..." My voice was quiet. 

"Mmm?" He looked up at me from the dressing table where he was sat with his computer. I swallowed.

"I just wet myself." I looked at him with my eyes wide in fear. His eyes mirrored mine. 

"I don't think thats it darlin'... stay calm." He shut his laptop and walked over to me. He pushed my hair behind my ear. I bit my lip. "I'll go get Ethan. Do you want to make your way to the door?" He asked offering me his hand. I took it and let him pull me up. I was too embarrassed to look at the sofa that I'd just ruined. "Actually, wait here and I'll send someone in with your bag so you can change your trousers." He ran out of the room at a speed I'd never seen him run at before. Oh god.

A few minutes later a girl walked in with the bag I had packed that had been in the car. She gave me a small smile before leaving the room again. I shakily took off the maternity jeans I had on and my underwear removing the gunk from my body. I then pulled on some fresh underwear and a pair of leggings. I was shaking making it very hard to go quickly. A very painful cramp shot through my stomach causing me to bend over and scream in agony. HOLY SHIT THIS IS REAL! 

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