Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"MADDI!" My name being yelled by Kristen is what woke me up. I heard her running up the stairs and by the time I opened my eyes she was in the doorway staring at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I grumbled as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up.

"Can you tell me why there is a car with a chauffer at the door telling me that he's here to take you to PARIS?!" I could tell if she was angry, jealous or excited as she screamed the name of the city I'd be in by tonight. I didn't expect him to send a car though so I was just as surprised as her.

"What?" I called back so quietly that she probably didn't even hear. I pushed my covers off of my legs and made my way to my window pulling back the curtains once I was there. I looked down and sure enough there was a black BMW, I think, with a man in one of those chauffer hats stood beside it. It shined in the early morning light and the man stood expressionless and tall. He looked to be about mid-fourties.

"So?" Kristen's voice was now so close I jumped as I span around to see her stood in my room.

"Oh... I'm going to France." I told her cautiously to gauge her reaction.

"You can't just decide when you pack up and leave! And you can't do it alone! You just had a major accident and now you expect just to be allowed to travel alone to France and have a holiday by yourself? I don't think so." She crossed her arms in a parental mannor which angered me.

"You're not my parents! Heck, I don't even remember my parents!" I verged on yelling. "I'm going and that is that. And it won't be alone its with Ethan and his friends. Now, don't EVER act like my parent again and get out." I began changing into the travel outfit I'd picked out last night after my shower as Kristen left looking slightly shocked and guilty. 

Once I was dressed in my high waisted lilac maxi skirt with a white vest top tucked in, the comfiest outfit I have ever worn may I add, with a pair of silver sandals on my feet I was ready to leave. I'd done minimal make-up and put my hair back into a high pony tail. I grabbed the suitcase and my carry on bag and made my way downstairs. I hope I have everything considering I packed with alcohol in my system. 

"Look... Maddi, I'm sorry. I never meant to make you feel like I was trying to... replace... your parents because I'd never do that. It is bad enough that you have no memories of them you don't need someone trying to be them. From now on I'll just be your big sister. I'm only trying to look out for you... I don't know how you feel about flying, or being in large crowds or anything like that so I don't know if this is any good for you. Whilst you were getting ready I phoned up Ethan and he assured me that he'll take care of you during your time there so... I guess you can go." Kristen stopped me just before I left the house.

"It's fine." I shrugged, I was too excited for my trip to hold a grudge. A smile appeared on her lips.

"Well, have fun!" She pulled me in for a quick hug. 

"BYE!" The kids quickly grabbed my legs.

"I'm sure you'll have a great time." Kevin stood to the side smiling. I nodded and then the kids and their mum released me. 

"We better get going Miss Cole." The chauffer announced. I nodded and he took my suitcase out of my hands to put it in the boot of the expensive looking car.

I climbed into the back seat of the car when the man opened the door he shut it once I was in. I pulled the seatbelt across my body and looked around the tidy beige interior. It was all so neat and clean. 

"Sit back Miss we have quite a drive ahead of us." He spoke back to me. "My name is Tony by the way. I'm Ethan's driver. I'll be with you on the plane also."  

About three hours late Tony and I were in our seats on the plane. Despite it only being 10 O'Clock in the morning I felt myself being exhausted. Thankfully I hadn't felt any fear yet so I don't think I'm scared of flying however Tony seemed to be keeping an extremely close eye on me which hadn't gone unnoticed by me. We'd gone through all the greetings by the captain and the emergency speech by the Cabin Crew which also played on the screen on the back of the seats in front. We were now sat at the end of the runway lined up ready to take off. Then all at once the engines roared up and we began travelling forwards at an incredible speed. I was pushed back into my seat as I watched out the window then the ground dropped taking my stomach with it as we left the ground and began travelling upwards. Instead of hating it or fearing I found myself being in love with it! Once Tony saw this he seemed to relax in the seat beside me. Once we straightened out the seatbelt sign went off and people began moving around the plane hurrying to the toilet or grabbing their carry on luggage. I settled down into my seat more comfortably and watched out the window as the clouds went by beneath us. 

"Miss Cole." My arm was being shaken which woke me up from a nap I wasn't aware I'd been taking! "We have landed." He gave me a polite smile. I noticed how everyone was out of their seats and already leaving the plane. I undid my seatbelt and stood up taking my bag from Tony and we joined the small cue to leave the aircraft. "We have to leave through the back enterance of the airport once we have your baggage." He informed me as we began to climb down the stairs out of the plane. The muggy air hit me and I greeted it warmly. 

"Why?" I asked confused as we followed the crowd into the shuttle bus waiting to take us to the airport.

"It's just quicker. My car is parked out back and that is where Ethan will be waiting for you." He replied. I felt like this all had something to do with the secret that was being kept from me but I couldn't actually be so sure because I think Tony must be a good liar... 

It was another twenty minutes before I had my suitcase and I was following Tony through the airport to where the back entrance was located. We had airport security following us around also which was incredibly weird and odd but I just went with it, I guess if you go through the back enterance you need security to guide you to it so you know where it is. Finally a door opened and we were outside in a bay area where various cars were parked up. I hadn't really taken in that I was in Paris until now when the sun shone down on me. I looked at my watch it's half 11 back home which means that it is half 12 here which means that this is theh afternoon sun shining down on me. 

"Earth to Maddi!" Ethan's voice pulled me out of my daydream and I was slightly surprised to see him stood right in front of me. Once he had my attention a large grin spread across his face and he pulled me into a hug. "I missed you. Is it weird to say that so soon? I don't care, I did." He laughed awkwardly making me smile. He pulled away and took a step back and widened his arms. "Welcome to Paris Maddison." My smile grew, I was so happy to be abroad and it was even better that I was with Ethan.

"Thank you so much for this." I didn't really know what to do, the last time we were together we kissed but where does that leave us? It wasn't overly awkward, just slightly because of that.

"It's my pleasure to take you on another date." He grinned and held out his hand for me to take which I did. "Unfortunately we have nearly a five hour car journey ahead of us... I'm sorry. The boys have already started the journey and I think they'll be on the boat by now so we'll just take a speed boat out to them." He explained. I inwardly sighed at the fact that we had another long travel ahead of us but I was here, in France, with Ethan so it couldn't be too bad. It's definitely better than waiting for him to come back home. "I'll make Tony drive past the Eiffel Tower if that helps?" Ok, this is definitely ok.

"Fine." I sarcastically sounded as if I wasn't going to say yes regardless. He grinned and tugged me towards the black Range Rover with tinted out windows that Tony was waiting for us inside. I found myself getting slightly nervous at having to meet Ethan's friends and spend a night with them on a boat... what if they hate me? I could tell my mind will just be asking this question again and again and again on the over 4 hour journey I'm about to take. 

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