Chapter 11

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Chapter  11.

"Don't go!" Ashton clung onto me as I stood on the airport tarmac about to board my flight. For some reason we'd been allowed to drive straight onto the tarmac so here I stood surrounded by the four boys I'd spent the weekend with. 

"You'll have to see us again sometime!" Leo added as he tugged Ashton off of me. I giggled and looked at Ethan who had been grumpy since noon. We'd spent the morning eating and ended up wrecking the kitchen of the expensive boat buy having a food fight. Then at about 12 his mood plumeted and he dissapeared leaving me to watch his friends swim in the sea whilst I remained on the boat sunbathing. Dylan nudged up.

"Come on lads, lets get in the car." He looked at Ashton and Leo and they nodded and followed Dylan back into the car that had brought us. The air turned awkward as I looked at Ethan. 

"So... I better get going." I looked up at the plane and caught the eyes of a few passengers looking out. Some were taking photos, probably just of the airport so I looked back to Ethan before I could become suspicious or self-concious. I quickly became irritated with his lack of speech and pulled up the handle of my hand-luggage. It was my only luggage though, just a small suitcase. "Bye." I mumbled as I began pulling it towards the steps up to the door to get on the plane. 

"Maddison." His pained voice stopped me in my tracks. He ran the short distance up to me and his big hands took the sides of my face and he roughly pulled my lips to his. The kiss was filled with so much passion that I just let go of the handle and it took me a few minutes to react. I brought my hands up to his arms and held his hands pulling them from my face as I kissed him back. A few seconds later he pulled back and rested his head on my forehead. It was crinckled as if he was thinking about something. I bit my lip and he groaned lightly and gave me a quick peck before taking a step back. I involuntarily sighed at the sudden distance. He still looked hessitant as if he was about to tell me something. 

"Spit it out." I laughed lightly as I regained composure. His thumb caressed one of my hands he shut his eyes and shook his head lightly. 

"I'll come back home soon, you'll have to let me take you out on another date." He dropped my hands. I was annoyed that he didn't tell me whatever was on his mind but I simply nodded. "Have a safe flight." He added before turning and opening the door to the car. 

"When are you going to tell her man?" I heard Dylan ask before the door shut and the car drove off. I sighed and picked up my bag making my way onto the plane. I'd leave it but there's only so much longer I can go in the dark. Whatever this secret of his is I really hope he tells me soon, before I find out by myself. 


"So, have you decided what career you could like to have?" The woman across from my asked. This is one of the same boring questions I've been asked at the other 2 'local' colleges. Every local college is a good hour away from Cliffs Edge. There is only 3 and I've been rejected from 2 due to the fact they're private and I'm not good enough thanks to this stupid amnesia. It'd be too much work to get me up to speed and know everything and then it'd cost them to give me a personal teacher to help out with the amnesia. I'd insisted that that wouldn't be needed but they'd insisted that it would. To be honest I think it's just an excuse so that they don't have to let me into their precious colleges. My GCSE results had come back all at a D level which is better than expected with everything but it wasn't good enough. 

"I'm still looking at possibilities." I told her honestly. She knew about my amnesia, I'm classed as a 'special' child here. 

"What are you interests?" She asked me trying to figure out what course I could be put on. This interview was going exactly like the others. 

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