Chapter 15

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Chapter 15.

As soon as I got inside I dumped the bag full of magasines on the coffee table in the front room and got to work on making tea knowing that Nathan would be home in an hour or less. I tried to forget what I'd read but it of course wouldn't leave my mind. What I'd read is quite clearly what Nathan had been trying to keep from me. I'd figured it out and somehow I felt slightly guilty for discovering his secret instead of him telling me like he wanted to. 

"HONEY I'M HOME!" Nathan's voice echoed around the appartment before his footsteps tumbled up the stairs. I turned as he walked into the kitchen to find me and a massive grin spread across his face which I couldn't help but recipricate. He pulled me into a hug from behind and a laugh escaped my lips as he kissed my neck. "Ah, I've always wanted to say that." He mumbled against my skin. 

"I made dinner." I pointed at the two plates on the small table he had in the kitchen with two chairs. 

"Well, m'lady..." He released me and took my hand as he tugged me the short distance to the table before pulling one of the old wooden chairs out for me. "Take a seat," I grinned as I took the seat. He kissed my hand before running over to a cupboard. He dug around for a few seconds before pulling out a candle. He rushed back over to the table and placed it in the centre between the plates of food I'd cooked. He dug around in his pocket and pulled out his lighter and lit it before taking his seat. I smiled at his actions as he grinned at me waiting for approval.

"Aren't you the romantic one." I shook my head as I bit my lip. 

"Only ever for you, my angel." He took my hand on the table as he began eating his dinner with his other hand. I did the same finding it slightly difficult to cut with just a fork but I managed. 

"How was work?" I questioned about mid-way through the meal.

"Fine." He shrugged. I took in his dirty appearence and it somehow made him hotter, however the smell didn't. 

"You stink." I admitted as I finnished chewing my last bite.

"Oh, do I?" He got an almost evil glint in his eye and smirked as he also finished his food. Caustiously I slid the chair I was on back slowly. 

"Nate..." I warned as he got up from his seat. He groaned as he bit his lip trying not to change his taunting look. I got up and began running as soon as he started. He was faster though of course and span me round embracing me in a hug pushing my nose into his very stinky armpit. I screamed in between the giggles I couldn't supress. 

"Do I stink Maddi?" He questioned between his own laughter. 

"YES!" I yelled back. 

"Do I need a shower?" He questioned and the cheeky tone in his voice gave away he was planning on doing something evil. 

"YES!" I shouted back anyway. 

"Ok! Well, you said so..." He picked me up and before I knew it my feet touched the cold inside of the bath still fully engulfed in his arms then the water, initially freezing before it heated up, spouted out and began soaking me. I screamed as I twisted and turned in his arms my clothes becoming heavy.

"NATE!" I yelled. He gripped onto my waste and picked me up pressing my back up against the tiled wall with the water still going. I looked into his darkened eyes. 

"I love it when you call me that." His voice was deep and raspy. 

"Nate..." I drew out the 'a' in his name and he groaned lightly and licked his lips. The water had slicked his hair down onto his forehead, I bet I don't look much differrent though, and both of our clothes were soaked to our skin and see-through. 

"We shouldn't wear clothers in the shower..." He said as he held me in one arm and dragged the finger on his other hand across my exposed shoulder blade where my jumper had slipped away from. He pressed his lips urgently to mine and I kissed him back with just as much need my arms going up around his neck and resting in his wet hair. He lowered me down so my feet touched the bath floor so that he could take off my jumper leaving me in my bra and leggings. He pulled me back to him instantly his large hands roaming around my back and holding me firmily. He shut his eyes as he held me and I looked up at him confused. He shook his head slightly and opened his eyes again. "I love you, Maddi." I shook my head and grinned at him as I pulled his lips back down to mine. 

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. The room was pitch black. I was tangled in with all of Nate. I could hear him snoring lightly above my head. I sat up and looked down at his peaceful sleep, his lips slightly parted, I pushed his hair out of his closed eyes softly and smiled. I untanfled the rest of my naked body from his and stood up. I grabbed one of the many t-shirts off the floor and pulled one on as I wondered into the bathroom. On the floor was our soaked clothes from earlier I smiled as I quickly released my pestering bladder. 

I was about to head back to bed when my phone and the magazines from earlier caught my eye. Guilt rushed through me as I remembered the stories... I'd just slept with Nathan after discovering Ethan's secret... I shook my head. Ethan should have told me. Nathan was and is my boyfriend and if I had known I wouldn't have gone on dates with Ethan in the first place. Also, if I had known I was going to be plastered everywhere on the news due to Ethan I wouldn't have done it. I walked in and began reading all of the stories. 

By the time I was finished I was in shock. I dropped the final atricle to the floor and sat back on the sofa. Throughout the whole magazine's Ethan was mentioned and not just in the article's about he and I. I really had uncovered his secret. He was in one of the most popular boybands on the planet right now called 'Lost Angels' and they had this massive fanbase called the 'Little Devils'. In the band was, unsurpisingly, all of Ethan's friends that I had met: Leo, Ashton and Dylan. Teenage girls go mad for them. They have already released four number one albums and every one of their singles have gone to the top of the charts. They've been on tour for every album and they're on their fourth tour right now, which explains why Ethan kept going away and was busy often, every arena is sold out and tickets sold for £50 each! VIP tickets cost their fans £150 according to what I'd read. It's ridiculous how big this band is! I can't believe I didn't find out sooner.

I grabbed my phone the first thing that jumped out at me was the time, half two in the morning! I unlocked it to see a mass amount of missed calls from non other than Ethan, a couple from Eve. Then one text from Eve and one from Ethan. I read the text from Eve first: 'Hiya babe, why aren't you answering? I'm getting worried now and you're not at home! Text me ASAP!!! xx' I hit reply, trying to delay the fact that I was going to have to ready Ethan's text also, I began typing: 'Sorry Eve, ran into trouble at home and had to leave. It's all a bit complicated... but I'm safe! I'll call you or something soon. I just found out about Ethan and the Lost Angels. I'm so confused. Hope you're ok? Speak to you soon xx' I hit send.

I guess now I have to face Ethan. Reluctantly I opened up his text 'What's happend? Are you ok? I'm really worried now and you're not picking up! Have I done something wrong? I hope you're safe please call or text me as soon as you get this or answer my calls! xxxx' The kisses made me feel overwhelmingly guilty. I do really like him, I mean I went on dates with him for crying out loud! How the hell did I just forget about him and wonder off with Nathan? Now I have feelings and I'm quite attatched to Nathan as well... oh God, this is just one gigantic mess! 

"MADDI?" I heard Nathan's sleepy voice call from the bedroom. The sound of him moving alarmed me. I quickly locked my phone and put it on the side before gathering all the magazines and placing them beneath the sofa. All in time for Nathan to lazily appear in the doorway half asleep. Still completely naked. He gave me a sloppy smile. "Come back to bed baby." He held out his hand to me. God, he looks cute! I stood up and took his hand returning his smile. He kissed my cheek and we made our way back to bed. He climbed in his side and I walked around to mine. I crawled in beside him and he cuddled me close. "I love you Maddi." He mumbled before falling back to sleep. I shut my eyes and willed myself back to sleep. The confusion and Ethan can wait until tomorrow, I'll deal with it then, what a mess I have managed to get myself into.

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