Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I climbed out of the car with Ethan and looked up at the large plane in front of me. 

"You seriously have a private jet..." I mumbled more to myself but Ethan heard and let out a chuckle. 

"We have a lot of places to be and we need to be there quick. The boys and I usually run late all the time so we decided to buy one of these." He explained. "Tony is a trained pilot too. One of his many talents so he flies the plane with our pilot Craig." 

"That is just so cool." I admitted. 

"MADDI!" Before I had time to think three bodies were throwing themselves at me. 

"Dylan, Leo and Ashton will you get back on the plane we're on a tight schedule. Our slot is in twenty minutes and we still need to push back and taxi." Tony told the boys. The let me go reluctantly. 

"You shouldn't have ever left." Dylan pouted.

"Yeah, why did you leave?" Ashton donned a similar face to Dylan. 

"You should have known no one is better than our E!" Leo put an arm around Ethan's shoulder. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"BOYS!" Tony commanded. They all sighed and began trudging up the steps of the private plane which they owned.

"See, always late." Tony mumbled to me and I let out a snicker. 

"Once on the plane I was shocked at how good it was. Fabulous. It was spaced out, you didn't have to even sit by each other if you didn't want to. There were TV's with game consoles. The cabin crew were in there area behind a curtain which was open at the moment. It was all cream just like the interior of the cars.

"Where would you like to sit?" Ethan asked me. I just shrugged anywhere would be amazing. "Why don't we sit by the window?" He pointed and I nodded making my way to the seat. I sat down beside the window looking at the wing from behind it. "Do you want me beside you or opposite you?" He asked. There was one seat opposite me and one attatched to the one I was sitting in. 

"Beside me." I decided. He smiled at me as he sat down. He put his hand on my leg and kissed my cheek.

"Fine, don't sit by us!" Ashton called from the seats they were in. They were sat around a table. 

"Shut up guys." Ethan rolled his eyes. "There's only one spare seat anyway!" He pointed out.

"Yeah, we were talking to Maddi." Dylan pointed his tongue out. I laughed lightly. 

"Seatbelts on! Get ready to take off and behave. Don't use the wifi until the light goes on either." Pedro announced staring particularily at Leo who chuckled putting down his phone. Pedro then disapeared into another section of the plane at the front. 

"'Staff'" Ethan used his fingers to put quotation marks around the word, "Have their own area. In the air we're safe and can't get up to too much mischief so they use this time as time out just like cabin crew have their own are behind us." He explained. I nodded.

"Is there anything we can get you before take off Mr Hall?" One of the air hostesses asked. Ethan shook his head politely before the woman went behind the curtain and shut it. He put on his seatbelt then did mine for me as it was too big he tightened it. 

"Are you ok?" He asked me sincerely. I gave him a small smile and nodded.

"I will be." I gave him a quick kiss and went back to looking out the window as we began to be pushed back and taxi towards the runway. I rested my head on  Ethan's shoulder as he chatted away with his bandmembers. I didn't really feel like talking after today so I just blanked out.

-Fast Forward, 2nd July 2014 -

"38 WEEKS TODAY! TODAY IS THE DAY!" Ethan launched himself onto the bed beside me and was grinning like a fool. 

"Hopefully." I mumbled as I struggled to sit up with the massive stomach carrying not one but two babies inside. Ethan held my hand and put another hand on my back as he helped me sit up. 

"C'mon it's your due date you've got to be excited!" His grin didn't falter. 

"I just want them out. You try being 9 months pregnant Ethan and get back to me on how you feel." I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and attempted to stand up on my swole ankles. "Plus add the stress due the fact that you don't even have a home to the equation and sleep in hotel rooms." 

"Oh come on, you have a super hot famous boyfriend, what more could you want?" He motioned to himself before taking my hads standing right against my bump, which resulted in him being quite a distance from me, then leaning in to kiss me softly. 

"My twins to be out of my body and here and did I mention? A HOUSE." I rolled my eyes and walked out of the bedroom in to the main area of the suite. Dylan, Ashton and Leo were sat in the front room with Pedro briefing them. They all turned to me as I walked in. 

"Morning Maddi." They all smiled and spoke at once, including Pedro who had taken quiet a liking to me and decided on protecting me with his whole life. 

"Morning guys." I sighed as I shot Ethan a devil look, I'd assumed that as he was in the bedroom with me the briefing of the day would have been finished meaning the boys had probably gone out so I left the bedroom in just my big comfy underwear and a baggy top that wasn't so baggy and didn't cover anything. He shrugged as he took a seat on the sofa and tapped his lap. I gave him an 'as if' look and lowered myself slowly into the seat beside him. My back is killing me and movement was becoming more limited. I know I have been particularly snappy with Ethan lately but I couldn't help it. It's the hormones which thankfully he understood. I rested my head on his shoulder and put one of my hands in his to show him that I do still love him I just want these babies out of me! 

"Right, so the plan is that when we're at the venue tonight we have a car waiting and ready should Maddi go into labour so that she and Ethan can get out and to the hospital ASAP. There is also a bed in the private wing ready and made up for them. The fans already know, thanks to Ethan's tweet this morning, that Ethan may not be performing tonight or may have to leave suddenly. Of course some are kicking off but others are as excited as we are to see the two new band members!" Pedro informed everyone. 

"It would be best if you wait until after the show though Mads." Leo joked as he came and sat on the arm of the sofa and put a hand on my shoulder. 

"It would be best if they come out right now." I told him flatly. 

"Calm down." Ethan whispered into my ear and kissed my cheek. I took a deep breath and smiled at Leo.

"I'm sorry." I apologised. "I just need them out more than you boys will ever be able to understand." I forced myself to stand up. "And a house." I raised my eyebrows at Ethan. "I know you've been putting it off because you want me and the twins on tour with you everywhere you go but thats just not going to be possible." I told him sternly. He stood up and pulled me into an awkward hug. Stupid bump. I can't wait until they're out and I can hug him properly. 

"C'mon they can be our little roadies!" Ashton protested. 

"Not helping." I rolled my eyes and smiled. I took a step away from Ethan. 

"They need a home, please get it sorted." I really needed him to understand but when the other three stood behind him and all four of them nodded at once I kew it wasn't going to happen. I sighed and made my way back into the bedroom with my hands on my bump. "If I could afford a house I'd buy us one." I mumbled to the twins. But I couldn't, I am just living off of Ethan and relying on him for everything. Which he told me he doesn't care and he does have too much money for his own good so I didn't overly see a problem with using money from the person you love. When I can get a job maybe I will but Ethan has already made it quite clear he doesn't want that to happen until the twins are at least 16. We still didn't know what we were getting I refused to find out. I want a surprise. I just hope the surprise comes today.

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