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I watched my dad give the painting of the pendant to a girl, it made me feel weird. The sight of her made me feel anomalous, I feel like a know her from somewhere. Who is she?

Klaus shut the door and sighed. "Who's she and why did you give her the paintings?" Klaus grinned and chuckled "It was meant for her."

"You didn't answer my other question." I said sternly. I focused attention on a small black bag and glanced at Klaus. He looked back and gave me a "you better not" look. We both raced to the bag and reached for it. Klaus grabs the bag before I could place my fingertips on it.

"Uh-uh this is a special bag for me only to know about." I groaned "You mean for everyone in the household to know about expect Hope. Oh wait, my name's Hope." I said as I pointed at myself.

"Okay, okay Hope. You don't need to know everything but I will tell you who she is." Klaus gripped the black bag. "What." I perked up.

"She associated with the family and simply picking it up for a girl in the family," Klaus smiled and walked toward the stairs "there I told you. Now go do teenage stuff-with teenagers." Klaus hurried up the stairs with red cheeks.


I walked through the park hoping to see the twins there, unfortunately I couldn't spot them. I see a group of boys together by an ice cream truck. They didn't look like a regular group of best-friends, they looked like brothers-acted like brothers. They must've known each other for a long while.

Since I was bored and had no one at the park with me, I guess it's time to be noisy. I walked to the ice cream truck and ordered a fudge sundae. As I waited I listened to their conversation.

"Tonight, tonight we'll look for them. Then we'll recruit them." One of the boys said.

"Sounds like a plan." The other said.

"What?" I said to myself as I grabbed my sundae. "Hey," someone said to me as I walked passed the group of boys. "you're Hope, Hope Mikaelson right?"

"Yeah, have we met?" I said briefly. He shook his head "No. I've just seen you at school. I'm Tanner nice to meet you." He stuck out his hand for me to shake. "You too." I shook his hand and walk toward the middle of the park.

Twins. "I've been looking for you guys." They turned around and so did Caroline. "Hey Hope, are you okay?" Caroline said as she leaned in to hug me. "I'm totally fine." I smiled. Anyway I'll let you gals be, call me if you need anything." Caroline said as she walked away.

"Okay, we still don't understand this 'Silver' guy. Is he a..."

"I don't know what he is, but definitely not a vampire. He didn't have a ring." I said before she could get the word out.

"I have a feeling that this crest and him are connected more. We have to do research on this crest."  The twins said at the same time. I chuckled "Twins are really weird. Come on." I said as we walked toward the street.


"Hey, I found something." Lizzie said.

Josie quickly butted in and said "Yeah but it's only giving the same information over and over again it says 'The name Argent is an evolved version of the Latin term argentum which means silver. Argent also means silver in French.' Didn't you tell us something about silver?" Josie asked turning toward me.

"Yes, yes his family's name is Silver. Their well known here." I answered coming closer to the screen.

"What do you think we should do next then?" Lizzie looked and me as she stood up. Josie stood by Lizzie and crossed her arms. "What do you want us to do?"

"Get Lukas." when I said that Josie and Lizzie looked at each other grinning.

Oh boy.

Hope Mikaelson  ➸ The Originals [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now