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"God damn right, you should be scared of me "

I walk into History class and sit where I usually sit. I notice that there's a seat that doesn't have someone in it. Lukas. I look around to see if he's sitting anywhere else but he wasn't. I hope the twins didn't scare him enough to make him feel unsafe at school. But why do I care, I don't care. I shouldn't.

Lukas walks in locking eyes with the twins. He turns quickly and sits in front of me instead of sitting on the other side of the room, where the twins are.

Class starts and Mr. Fields stands in front of the room. He moves to Lukas and looks a bit confused. "Why aren't you over there?" Lukas sits up in his desk "I just wanted to sit close to the door so I can get out of this class faster." Everyone laughs at his answer. It makes a small grin form on my face but it quickly fades as he turns around. We stare at each other for a few seconds before I place my eyes back on my book.

I can't feel anything. I have my humanity turned off, I won't let this boy be the weakness in me. I have to be strong. I have to be the strongest of them all.

I'm a Mikaelson.

Lukas POV

"If she's all big and bad now why hasn't she killed anyone?" I blurt out. I wasn't going to let my family just talk about her like that. They don't know her, they don't know anything about her.

"Oh, is Lukas developing feeling for this Mikaelson devil spawn? Why don't you just be the first that she kills." Owen, my brother says. He's always afraid of everything that he doesn't understand. You know how in every movie or tv show there's that jerk that nobody likes, that's my brother.

"N-no, I'm not developing feelings for her. I just can see the good in people unlike you." I retorted. I wasn't going to let Owen win this time, this time we're going by my plan.

To save Hope.


Hope POV

"Oh hey-Hope I was just about to leave, do you need anything?" Mr. Fields asked as he closed his desk. I closed the door and pulled the blind down.

"Um, Hope? You need something?" I could hear his heart rate excel rapidly. He was getting worried. "Yes, yes I do actually." I said walking closer to him. "All I want us your heart." He ran to the door but I beat him there. "What are you!" He screamed. I revealed my fangs and smiled.

"I'm one of the supernatural you've been boasting about. But I'm no Dracula, I'm pretty sure he doesn't exist. He's a sorry excuse for a vampire."  He reached for the door while he trembled with fear. "Just leave me alone, you don't want to hurt me right?"

"Are you serious have you heard anything I've said. Yes I'm going to hurt you. Really, really, really bad." My hand sunk into his chest gripping his heart. I pulled it out as his body gave up.

I guess we're going to have a substitute tomorrow.

Hope Mikaelson  ➸ The Originals [COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat