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"The house was awake
With shadows and monsters
The hallways they echoed and groaned"

"Hope wake up. Time for a trip." My mom opens my door and opens the curtains. I raise up in my bed "okay. okay just give me a minute."

"Sure breakfast is downstairs." she nods and leaves my room.

I groan as I get out of my bed and go to my closet. I brush my hair then go downstairs to eat breakfast. "So I was thinking that we go to your dads house today." My mom drinks some of her orange juice.

"Klaus?" I continue to eat. "Your dad." She starts washing dishes.

"Okay." I shrug and grab my bag.

"Good lets go."


She parks the car and Elijah comes out the door. "Hayley. Hope. How are you doing?" Elijah hugs us both. I smile "good."

I walk into the house and all I can smell is blood. All I can hear is screaming coming from down the hall. I quickly walk to the end of the hall and crack open the door. I look in and see Klaus sucking the life out of a woman. I turn my head and gasp, why is he doing this to her?

Klaus looks my way and drops the woman. I hurry and run in the living room and stumbled on Uncle Kol. He waved "Hey Hope." Kol got up and hugged me. "What have you been up to darling."

I shrugged "Nothing much, but I did just walk in on my dad killing someone." I tilt my head at his reaction. His face was dull and it seemed like he didn't care, or he already knew.

He rubbed the back of his neck and walked out the room.

I'm going to find out what's going on.


I follow Kol and he leads me to this room on the other side of the house. I put my ear on the door to hear what they are saying but I could only hear parts of the conversation.

"she saw you killing..."
"Kol she doesn't need to know...she's not ready!"
"She knows I know something."
"well...just don't bring it up!"

I heard footsteps coming to the door and my heart started beating fast. The footsteps suddenly stops "do you hear that?" I covered my mouth and quickly sped back to the living room. He heard my heart beating. I have to be more careful.


I sat on the couch waiting for someone to come in. Elijah and my mom were still outside, I think there's something between them.

Rebekah opens the front door and walks into the living room. Her face brightens up when she sees me. She ran over and gave me hug "I missed you. So glad you'll be staying with us."

When was I staying with them? My mom didn't tell me anything, she didn't even ask me if I wanted to stay with them. I kinda don't want to.

"I missed you too." I force a smile and slouch in the couch. Rebekah put her hand on my head "what's wrong sweetie?" she said worriedly.

"It's just I didn't know that I was staying here. No one asked me...not even my mom." I replied. All of a sudden everyone is keeping secrets from me. How can I trust them if they keep secrets from me?

"Oh. It's a surprise. We'd thought you'd like to be here with us." She said standing up and looking down at me.

"Well it is a surprise." I say looking at Klaus as he walked to Rebekah. "I need to talk to you." He said  walking out of the room. I furrowed my eyebrows "Can't you just say it here?"

I shot his head at me me after my comment. "No sweetheart, I can't say it right here. It's adult business." He smiled then continued to walk out the room.

I scoffed then walked up stairs, if I'm staying here I might as well explore. I look around and start to open doors to see what's inside. I opened one door and it was a nursery, I guess it was my old nursery.  I close the door and spot another door with a lock on it. I go to the door and rip the lock off. When I walk in I see coffins and chests with locks on them.

I look back down the hall to see if someone was coming then closed the door. I walked to the first coffin and opened it.  It had a dagger in it, I closed it and checked the other coffins. They all had daggers in them. I sigh and turn around, there was one last coffin.

I took in a deep breath then opened it. It was Kol. I heard someone walking to the door, I quickly shut the coffin and walked to the door.

Klaus opened the door and raised his eyebrows "what are you doing little wolf?" he said softly as he lured me out of the room. I didn't respond, I wanted to see his reaction. "you know there's a lock on the door for a reason." he chuckled.

"Yeah that's why I went in." I picked up the lock and gave it to him. "I broke it. Sorry." I walked to the stairs.

"Hope wait. I wanted to say something." Klaus says as he looks at the lock. "I just wanted you to know... that I will tell you things."

I turned around and folded my arms "What things?" he smiled and shook his head "You sure are curious."

"Tell me." I walked toward him. Klaus puts his arms on my shoulders and sighs. "About the woman you saw in the room with me. The one I killed. I'll tell you what happened."

"Thanks...dad." I said hugging him then going downstairs.

I didn't want to bring up Kol being in the coffin. I don't want him to know that I know. Not yet.


Elijah walks in with my mom and they went in the living room. When I walk in after them I hear Rebekah talking about an old friend of Klaus's that's currently here in New Orleans. I sit next to Rebekah and listen to their conversation. It was mostly about hybrids, vampires, and werewolves. A common conversation in my household.

Hayley stands up and looks at me."Rebekah already told you, about you staying here. Im going to go pack you bags." she pulled out her keys and walked out the house.

"So who's this old friend?" I said jumping into their conversation.

"Uh, an old friend." He said looking to the floor. I refuse to have more things kept from me. They can't keep doing this to me, especially when I'm staying with them.

"Here we go again." I huff and sit back in the couch. Rebekah poked Elijah and nodded her head. "Okay. She was a love interest of your Klaus's."

I smiled and clapped my hands "what's her name?" Elijah lifted an eyebrow "you'll have to figure that out yourself."

Looks like I'm going on a hunt. Seems like fun.


Rebekah dropped me off at a near by park. I looked around and saw a lot of people that looked my age. I also saw a blonde woman talking on her phone.

"Hey. This is like the 5th message I've sent you. I just wanted to talk so don't be too worried about it. Call me back as soon as you get this. Bye." I spot a ring on her finger that looks similar to my daylight right. She must be a vampire. I walked up to her and smiled "Hi, how are you."

She turned to me and smiles back "I'm fine thanks, you?" She says putting her phone in her purse. "I'm doing well. Just wanted to say hello. I like your ring." I pointed down at her ring and she laughed nervously. "Thanks...wait." She looked down at my hand "you have a daylight ring?"

I nod "My name is Hope. What's your name?"


Hope Mikaelson  ➸ The Originals [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now