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"And I've grown familiar
With villains that live in my head
They beg me to write them
So I'll never die when I'm dead"

Klaus ran over to me and grabbed my hands. He tried to do everything to bring me back. It was no use, I like it this way now. I won't go back ever.

I pull my hands away from his and walk pass toward the door. "Hope. No you can't." Lizzie stopped me. I knew she put a tracker on me today. It was pretty obvious because she was practically breathing down my neck. Josie agreed "you're supposed to be our friend. Do this for us."

I laughed at her comment "We just met today, I don't even know if I can trust you two. I don't even know what you are." I stepped closer to them and they trembled. Josie stuttered "We're w-witches." I smiled, I could use them to teach me since they think we're "friends".

"Okay, but you girls are going to teach me how to use my magic." I said dragging the twins out of the cabin. "Yes. We'll start off with light magic first." Lizzie said as she motioned me to get in the car.

I went to the car and whispered to myself.

"Then, dark magic."


I left my dad speechless in the cabin. I didn't mean to hurt him in any way, I just like this version of me better. I'm stronger than ever and when I learn how to use magic Tyler's going to wish he never made me turn off my humanity.

They parked in a valley and got out of the car. "Why are we here?" I said crossing my arms.

"We always practice our magic here. A lot of targets." Josie smirked and pointed at a drunk man coming down the valley.

"Your targets are drunk men in there 40s?" I asked scrunching up my face. Lizzie rolled her eyes "mostly. But sometimes we get snotty stuck up girls, those are my favorite targets."

I scoffed then walked in front of them. "What now?" I said impatiently. Josie whispered to me "say motus."

I turned toward the man and put all of my focus on him. "Motus!" I sternly said as the man flew back and crashed into the wall.

This is going to be fun.


Caroline's POV:

"The girls took her to the valley, that's were they practice at!" I said quickly while putting my hands on my head. Alaric grabbed his keys "okay stay here Caroline." He walked out the door and drove off.

I have to do something.

I quickly dialed a number without thinking,

"Hello Love."


Hayley's POV:

"I can't believe he did that! I'm going to kill him!" I screamed and slid down on the wall. Elijah came and sat by me "It's going to be alright, Klaus would kill him first anyway." Elijah put his arm around me and sighed. "Where's Kol?" I asked wiping tears from my cheek.

"I thought he was with Klaus." Elijah furrowed his eyebrows.

3 hours later...

Hope's POV:

"Well that's the basics of magic." Lizzie put her hands in her pocket and looked at Josie.

I nodded "So...is there like a witch book or something?" Our conversation ended when their dad pulled up.

"In the car now! You too Hope." Alaric said marching to us. I chuckled "No thanks." I turned around to see Kol.

"I got her. Alaric." Kol smiled and waved at them. He put his arm around me and we walked down the valley. "Look. I know your humanity is off or whatever but, I really don't have a problem with that. You're my favorite niece." He said opening the car door. "I'm your only niece." I got in the car and he drove off.

I have a feeling we're not go not going home.


Hope Mikaelson  ➸ The Originals [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant